24} Lucifer

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"No! Please no!" Screams tear from your throat until you can't speak anymore and you're resigned to a broken soundscape populated by cracked whimpers and the sound of flesh being sliced into.

Hell this month was particularly interesting; Alastair decided there had been enough physical torture for now and, since you still hadn't cracked, he'd be switching things up. That consisted of being forced to watch projections of the few remaining people you loved dying. You'd watched Bobby, Jake, Abby and even John being massacred over and over again as you fought against your restraints in vain. Some part of your rational mind knows that this can't really be happening, but that's very much overshadowed by the parts that have been tortured every day for almost sixty years now.

With tear tracks distinctly marking your grime covered face, you watch as the demon overseeing you today slits Bobby's throat before kicking him to the ground, his desperately writhing form reaching out to you momentarily until death catches up to him and he stills. The demon then turns to you, using that same knife to carve into your skin as he verbally torments you, his words spiteful and assessing your guilt.

"So this is what you dream about? That's pretty dire. I hadn't considered the possibility you'd already died and gone to hell." The unfamiliar voice breaks through your internal shrieking and before you know it the dying projections are gone along with your chains and all that remains is you and this newcomer. You take in his appearance and, were it not for the wings sprouting out of him, you'd have assumed he was just some haggard, sleep deprived loon, his skin starting to peel at his forehead to reveal small, fleshy circles.

"What do you mean? Who the hell are you?"

"Gosh, for my shiny new weapon, you sure do have a lot of trauma. I guess it could be fun." He shrugs before smiling, shoving his hands into his pockets and rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet, a muted smile on his face. "But first, you're going to have to be a good kid and inject yourself with the last of that blood."

You squint suspiciously at him, not knowing who he is just yet or if he's even real.

"I will never use that blood and become some weapon for another holy war." Spittle flies out of your mouth as you snarl at him.

"Oh but I think you will, it may take you a while but you'll come around. And you know what? I think it'll happen in sunny old California, what do you say?" His playful voice makes you cautious and you catch a glimpse of something uncaring in his eyes. "Of course, I could just find you myself and force you to do it, I could make you do all my bidding but it's just not as organic as you deciding for yourself. Hey, I'll even sweeten the pot with one request, anything you want in return for making this easy for both of us."

You stiffen at his words, just hoping that Castiel's wards would hide you from this guy too.

"Why do you want me to take it? I thought the God-Squad would be desperate for the chance to kill me."

"Oh honey, I'm definitely not one of them, I'm quite the opposite."

"Yeah right, I can see your wings! I know you're an angel."

"Well somebody isn't a good little churchgoer are they? Did nobody teach you that even the devil was a fallen angel?" With a glint in his eyes, his wings spread out further and his words all click into place in your mind.

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