14} Angelic Guidance

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{this is set before Sam and Dean have met Crowley, the exact time frame of everything should be made clearer later on.}

"Saying the same thing slower doesn't help me understand this shit at all!" You complain, throwing your hands up in defeat as Cas sighs, not quite frustrated but just confused. You'd been in one of Bobby's many work sheds for about an hour now, trying to learn from Cas how to just teleport around, one of the easiest tricks, without using too much energy and leaving a shiny beacon for any and all supernatural douchebags to find and follow but to no avail. With the chill of the air on your skin and the entirely new and unnatural burning of Enokian sigils covering your bones - Cas assured you that they'd hide you from angels and demons alike - you were feeling agitated and more than a tad frustrated.

"Just close your eyes and focus, imagine where you want to be and then tunnel just enough energy into being there." He drones on and you have to hold your fist to keep from punching him.

"Tell me to close my eyes and focus one more time, and I will shove that Angel blade of yours so far up your ass that God himself wouldn't be able to repair you." You growl and try your hardest to relax, trying not to scream in frustration. Why can't I just master this one damn thing? Am I an idiot? Is there something wrong with me?

"God is infinitely powerful, he could easily fix such a wound, even an angel could." Cas clearly doesn't understand threats yet and it angers you more than you care to admit, although that fury is quickly derailed by a laugh from the outbuildings doorway.

Dean leans against the door with his arms crossed and a big old smile on his face that you could slap right off there and then. He approaches the two of you and quickly greets Cas before asking how it's going with the tutoring, his face showing that he clearly knew you weren't doing to good.

"Kiss my ass, Winchester." You snipe, scowling as he feigns hurt before smirking.

"Hey, let me buy you dinner first." He objects, reproducing your tone as he mocks what you'd said to him before.

"Whatever, Cas is a useless teacher." You sigh, crossing your arms and frowning at the man as he remains deadpan.

"Which party trick are you learning?" Dean asks, rolling up the sleeves of his flannel and entering the open space, lingering by Cas's side.

"Zapping myself around the globe without leaving a big old (y/n) was here! sign and having to go into hiding again." You sigh, rubbing your forehead and grimacing at the idea of the dozen other books in Bobby's office with various plans and routes that you'd drafted with John all those years ago when you'd first begun showing signs of these weird abilities. Luckily, you'd only used six of them.

"That would be nice, watching Bobby stress over you for a whole year is pretty crap. Just relax, ok princess?" Dean approaches you slowly and quickly looks down at your clenched fists before shaking his head. "If you want to learn then you need to chill out, you can't go anywhere when you're this tense."

"And you need to not let your human emotions get the better of you and cause the energy explosions that make you traceable." Cas adds.

You grumble about it but you unclench your fists and shake yourself out a little, cracking your knuckles and then your neck to loosen up before looking expectantly up at Dean.

"Perfect, now think about a place that means a lot to you, one you can easily picture and you know pretty well."

A location immediately stands out in your mind and you latch onto it, remembering every little detail of the place down to the smell of the fresh paint on the walls. You mumble to Dean that you've got it and jump a little as he gently takes your hand and squeezes it.

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