Bonus: The Universe In Your Eyes

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So much fucking fluff I can't even. Also I'll try not to bore you with the physics but damn I love space so much and I could literally scream forever about this crap so enjoy!

"Um, Dean? What the hell are you doing?" Your confusion is evident in your tone as Dean slips the blindfold over your eyes before helping you into the Impala.

"Just get in the car and stop asking so many questions," he laughs. "You're as bad as Sammy."

"Who isn't coming with us?"

"Nah, he's busy combing his hair, he's gonna take a while so I thought we'd do something." Dean jokes, smiling as the Impala revs to life and you laugh at his teasing.

"Whatever, Mr Mysterious, just don't do anything pervy when I'm blindfolded like this, not being able to see gives me the creeps." You admit, jumping as his hand lands on your thigh and feeling your heart race with every slow movement of his thumb against your leg.

"Chill, baby, you know you can trust me." He smirks, you can hear it in his voice and it makes your breath catch thinking about it too much. You can't find the words to reply with anything other than a quiet hum but Dean simply chuckles and turns on the radio, blasting out a heavy guitar riff that soothes the both of you.

Four hours must've passed before you feel the car stop and Dean shuts off the engine, telling you to stay quiet and follow him as he takes you hand and leads you away from the car.

"Dean..." You grumble, stubbing your toe on the ground and clumsily tripping your way after him as he pulls you along excitedly.

"Patient, princess." He shots back, leading you into a room that echoes with the sound of your footsteps on the floor.

You feel him behind you as he undoes your blindfold before laying his hands on your waist gently and waiting for your reaction.

"Did...did you just break into a secure research compound?" You whisper in disbelief, your eyes as wide as the moon and your excitement even bigger.

"Technically we just broke into a secure research compound." Dean beams, letting you go to stand by your side and get a better view of your face. You're speechless.

The metal structure before you is massive, dominating the whole room and reaching up to the opening in the observatory dome that looks out into the clearest sky you've seen in a while. You know what this is.

"This is...this is...woah." You breathe, your fingers reaching out to brush over the cold metal as a tingle shoots down your spine. "Do you know what this is?"

"Well the brochure said it's a telescope but looks like a big mirror to me." He laughs, scratching his head and watching you drink in every detail with your eyes.

"It's beautiful. 91 hexagonal mirror segments, 10 metre wide aperture, 1.5 arcsecond angular resolution? This is the Hobby-Eberly telescope...awesome." You state, walking around the room until you find what you're looking for - two large components laid out on the base of the telescope, connected to thick optical fibre cables that snake away from you alluringly. "These are spectrographs, they read the light coming in through the dome. The one with the lowest resolution lives in that collecting point up there, see?" You ask, pointing to a box of similar size being suspended over the mirrors at the centre of the opening in the dome.

"Uhuh, I see it." Dean grins, not taking his eyes off you for a moment.

"This is a reflecting telescope so the light bounces off those mirrors, into the prime focus, through these spectrographs and the optical fibre cables all the way to a control room where a computer reads them to create an image, just like your eye would." You explain hastily, picking your way over to another part of the room where a ladder awaits and climbing it quickly to an upper level catwalk that gives you the perfect view of the whole room as well as the surrounding landscape. There's also a door there...

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