25} Hello, Death

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"Wakey wakey, Baby Girl."

The words rouse you but the dull, singing pain of the subsequent punch to the abdomen really wakes you up. You try to break out but your hands are tied behind your back and your ankles are bound to the legs of the creaking chair you're sitting on.

The first thought that comes to you is that you could just teleport out of there but as you try, you feel nothing but a dull ache in your head.

"Uh uh uh, no ghosting me now, (y/n), I'm on strict orders of our not-so-holy father himself." Jake beams, but once again it's different to how it used to be, more gnarled and lacking any empathy.

Your movements seem too slow and uncoordinated as you look around and see no sign of anyone else, just you and Jake in a small, dark room with no windows and questionable tracks of green biomatter creeping down from the ceiling. As your senses begin to come back to you, a throbbing pain radiates from your left wrist and as your eyes travel over it, you almost mistake the pattern carved into your flesh for a devils trap were it not for different markings and instead of a pentagon, a series of three overlayed hexagons dominated the design.

Before you can ask what the symbol means, a rather sharp right hook knocks your head to one side and then it's partner lands on your other cheek. With one more hit to your jaw, you taste iron on your tongue which you casually spit onto the floor before turning to face forwards. Jake's still smiling.

"You punch like an arthritic mouse." You cough out, baring your bloody teeth as you smile.

"You're so lucky Lucifer needs you, or I'd pick up where I left off in Texas." Jake snarls, grabbing an ornately carved wooden box from the grimy table nearby and opening it to smile upon its contents. "For now, I'll just settle for hearing you scream like you used to."

Watching him carefully as his nimble fingers delicately latch onto the box's contents before discarding its container and revealing the object to be a syringe. You immediately tense up.

"What is that? Stay away from me!" You shout rather pointlessly as he takes the syringe and plunges it into the delicate skin on your neck, eliciting a sharp cry of pain from your lips before your limbs begin to tingle and sensations you haven't felt since you were twelve years old rush back to you.

The sound that tears from your throat is best described as a shriek but the pounding in your ears makes it hard to listen to. Moreover, the blood pumping through your veins feels like it's bubbling with angry heat, boiling you alive from the inside with every beat of your fluttering heart. By the time the feeling dies down, your whole body is slick with sweat and your throat feels like you've been gargling acid but you remain mostly lucid, although you can't keep your head from lolling forwards or your eyes from drifting closed.

"Music to my ears, sweet pea."

You would tell him to bite you but you can't even groan, your body not strong enough to move even a muscle. Hopelessness sinks in and along with it comes a deep, warm blackness that you fall into and can see no feasible way out of.



Sam and Dean share a brief, sorrowful look at the sound of their bombs detonating, taking two fine hunters with them. It hurts. It hurts so much it's almost not possible to keep going - Jo was so young and full of promise and Dean would be lying if he said he didn't care deeply for her, then there was Ellen who was about as close to a mother as he was going to get - but they knew they must. They had two angels to save and the devil to ice.

With Bobby's help, they knew where Lucifer would be and Dean gripped the Colt tightly in his hand as they finally approached the right field, being surprised by the rows of men standing and facing a large mound of dirt which was being wearily shovelled back into a pit by a man Sam instantly recognised as the devil himself.

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