4} Reprimand

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The long drive home went without a hitch, Dean and I shared our many hunting stories and to be honest he has had a crazy life.

But as we pull up at the house, I anxiously get out of my car and hover for a minute before heading inside, almost tripping on the porch step before two strong arms catch me and I send a quick thank you to Dean for saving me from the embarrassment before pushing the front door open.

"(Y/n) (middle/name) (l/n), get your butt in here and tell me what the hell that was back there." Bobby shouts from the kitchen the second I get in the door.

I walk in to find him staring angrily at me as he pulls out four beers and passes them out.

"Bobby do we have to-"

"Yes. Yes we do because I left you here in no fit state to drive let alone be jumping from rafters and trying to be a damn superhero!" His voice raises even further and I clench my fists.

"It worked, didn't it? We are all safe now aren't we?" I spit back, very aware of the two boys watching this routine argument.

"When are you going to start giving a damn about your own safety? We could have taken her on all together but you thought you could handle her all alone, even after I told you she was powerful."

"You know exactly why I don't consider my safety the priority and last I checked, I'm still alive so she obviously wasn't that powerful!"

"She took down three grown men."

"Yeah and now she's lying in a warehouse with no head."

"You could have died!"

"Yeah, but I shouldn't even be alive in the first place Bobby so what's there to lose now?"

Everyone freezes and Bobby clenches his jaw before swigging his beer.

"You're a selfish kid. A stupid, arrogant, selfish child." He says before walking away and down to his panic room, shutting the door behind him and leaving me with the two boys.

I'm selfish? I just saved all three of them and I'm the selfish one?

I take my beer and chug it, downing it all in one before storming outside and launching it into the side of one of the many scrap vehicles, watching as its shards fly everywhere. I stand silently for a minute and watch the sun glint off of all the metal, allowing my blood to cool before I grab a tool kit sitting on Bobby's bench and head into the mass of cars, stopping at my latest project, an old banger of a truck, and popping it's hood. I just need to preoccupy myself for a while.

"Need some help?" The deep, rough voice calls from a few metres away and I hate to admit it sounds pretty hot right now.

"No, Dean." I grunt as I tighten the screws on the engine block.

"Look, I know I don't know you but the whole I shouldn't be alive thing? We all get that sometimes, comes with the job." He leans on the truck next to me and I take a few steps away, trying not to greedily inhale his scent.

"You're right Dean," I grunt with the effort of freeing the engine from its rusted prison and ignore his smugness at hearing his favourite words as I continue speaking, "You don't know me."

That wipes the smile clean off his adorable face. Wait, what?

"Come on, don't be mad at Bobby, he just wants you to be safe." He replies, sliding closer to me again and trying to attract my attention.

"Look, this isn't a new phenomenon, Dean. I've been fighting with Bobby for a good few years now, he will get over it in a few hours and then I'll be gone again for another couple of months." I sigh, getting onto the ground and wiggling under the truck, checking for leaks in the fuel and brake lines.

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