35} Atonement

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Final chapter time lads, thanks so much for sticking with me and I hope you don't hate me. This is a long old chapter tho.


(Y/n)'s pov

Being in Dean's arms feels natural. His chest pressed against my back and his chin resting gently on top of my head. His arm draped over my waist. His scent everywhere.

I could stay like this forever.

Wriggling around, I manage to face him, snuggling closer and pressing my forehead into his firm chest, hearing him grumble quietly as he wakes up.

"Mornin'" He drawls.

I only respond with an mmm before he draws me tighter against him and lifts my head so he can gently brush his lips against mine, my hands ghosting up his chest to caress the stubble gracing his sharp jawline.

"Sleep well?" He asks.

I blush and don't quite know how to tell him the truth.

"Um, well I actually don't sleep anymore. Angels don't need to."

At this he frowns and draws back, squinting at me suspiciously.

"So after we..." He trails off with a smirk at the memory of what the two of you got up to last night, "after that, I went to sleep and you just...lay there awake?" 

"Well you had your arms around me and didn't want to wake you up so yeah, I just stayed." I respond, feeling more embarrassed than anything and wishing I'd kept my mouth shut.

"Wow." Dean mumbles, smiling stupidly at me and making my heart explode.


"Nothing, I'm just kinda impressed with myself. How did I swing myself this cute little angel?" He teases, laughing as I smack his arm and get up, pulling on my clothes and once again covering up all the scars on my body that Dean had spent a lot of time touching last night in an attempt to make me stop hating the way they mark me. Like a brand.

"Shut the hell up, Winchester, when are you ever not impressed with yourself?" I joke back with a smirk, watching him stretch across my bed, the cover barely hiding his perfect body from my view.

"Are you saying that I'm always impressive?"

"I'm saying you think too highly of yourself, doofus." Sticking my tongue out at him, I dodge the pillow he throws at me before slipping out of the door and downstairs to the kitchen, finding Bobby there with a note in his hands and a frustrated expression on his face.

"Bobby, what's wrong?"

"Sam's gone."


Riding shotgun in the impala, the air so thick with tension it's almost suffocating, I reach out to Cas as Dean rockets towards Detroit.

Castiel, where the hell are you? Sam's gone Rambo on us and we need your help to stop Lucifer.

The static of angel radio greets me, void of any reply from the angel.

"Cas isnt responding, Dean." I cant stop my leg from bouncing up and down with all the nervous energy inside of me. "We should just fly there, it's quicker and Sam could be hurt!"

"It's only a couple more hours away, he didn't get that much of a head start on us." Dean responds tersely.

"It doesn't take a couple of hours to say 'yes', Dean." I spit back, regretting the spite in my words since I know we're both just stressed and concerned for the younger Winchester's safety. I mumble an apology before holding the side of the car telling dean to hold on. Before he can even protest, I've flown the impala to an alleyway just across from the building where Lucifer is hiding, another car already waiting there and our blue eyed angel waiting by it.

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