15} Tea Sipping Bastard

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"I want to know for sure what the hell I am and I know you were the one who sourced the blood that got put in me, just tell me who's it is and how the hell you got it, then you can go." You state, sitting cross legged on the ground with Juliet lying next to you, head resting lazily on your leg as you casually stroke her, much to Crowley's displeasure.

"I like you, kid, I really do, but you're taking the piss. What do I get in exchange?" His voice carries an air of suggestion and it makes you shiver before you can help it.

"Isn't it enough for me to not walk back out that door? Maybe I'll come back next year and we can see how you feel then?"

"You little...fine," he pauses before smirking and continuing, "it's Angel blood, somewhat of a relic down in the pit, being coveted by many of the demons as the edge they need to overthrow the archangels. You see, the blood was collected from daddy's favourite, Michael, and there is a bedtime story of sorts among us demons that it's the secret to making ourselves our own avenging angel, one that could go a few rounds with the top dog himself."

"You're kidding, right?" You scoff, knowing this particular demon is especially slimy.

"I wish I were, you'd be a lot less cocky if it wasn't in my best interests to not tear you apart. There's only one issue." Crowley sighs, stuffing his hands into his pockets.

"Oh joy, more problems to live with," you mutter, watching Crowley as he smirks a little too menacingly for your liking, "what's the catch this time?"

"No catch, you just aren't complete yet. Of course, I have the last vial of blood, which means I have all the power here." His twisted, smug face lights up at the thought of all the control he has now, revelling in the knowledge that he has something you need.

Fuck that.

"Good, you can keep it."

His face drops entirely and anger once again takes up residence there.


"I said keep it, I'm enough of a freak already; I don't need anymore strange power than I already have and I really don't want to have to deal with all the Angel vs Demon crap. You'd be doing me a favour by never giving me that vial." You smile, enjoying his confusion as you reach into your boot and pull out your flick knife, scratching a small slit in the devil's trap and hearing Crowley chuckle as he steps out of it and walks around for a few seconds.

"You will change your mind, (y/n), and when you do then you know how to call me."


One minute he's in that basement with a random demon and this mysterious babe, and the next he's popped into the middle of Bobby's kitchen, hearing Sam drop a book in shock.

"Dean? How did you...?"

"That damn kid." Dean growls, fists balling up as Sam smiles behind his back. Seeing Dean get this worked up about a girl - especially one that keeps pushing him away - means that he's catching feelings, and not the usual, one night stand feelings either.

"She's older than me, Dean, she's not a kid." Sam chuckles, picking his book back up off of the floor and passing his brother to enter Bobby's study, sitting next to Bobby at the large desk and starting to read the texts the two of them had been looking for.

They were mostly about Niflheim but none of them made mention of any artificial Angels, leaving Bobby stumped as to what the things he's been calling his kid actually is and how the hell she came to be. As the two sink into an intense silence, both caught in their reading, Dean bursts into the room with a beer in one hand, angry and way too loud.

"She's got Demons in her basement! Demons! She's put a centuries old asshat on a time-out in her damn mansion in the middle of nowhere."

"What?" The other two men exclaim in unison, looking up from their work at Dean and waiting for him to explain.

"I was helping her get control of her angel crap and accidentally tagged along with her when she zapped out of here. Turns out, she's got some fortress of solitude in the middle of nowhere, completely trashed, and who does she have in her basement? Some demon called Crowley. He's been stewing in there for months and his own hellhounds won't even attack her! I'm telling you, she's a nut-job." He rants, swigging on the bottle and pacing quicker with every word out of his mouth.

"Watch it, boy, she's still my daughter." Bobby warns, not shocked at the news at all.

"Wait, the hellhounds won't touch her?" Sam checks, eyebrows raised in disbelief as him and Dean share a slightly intimidated look.

"She's treating it like her pet Labrador! Obviously I couldn't see it but I could damn well hear it whining as the thing got a scratch behind the ears." Dean takes another swig of his beer and sits himself on the chair. "She's out there now having a heart to heart with the demon whilst getting cuddly with it, like he's an old work buddy."

"Not quite." Bobby mutters, catching both boy's attentions and sighing as he decided wether or not to tell the two boys who were rapidly finding themselves more and more attached to you. "(Y/n) has dealt with a lot of shit from Crowley but-"

"But that tea-sipping bastard is no threat to me so there's nothing to worry about." You pipe up from the doorway, arms crossed and displeased about the boys talking about you behind your back.

"(Y/n), if you're playing with demons again then-" Bobby starts, failing to see the shock on Dean and Sam's faces as they both wonder just how often you keep demons hostage, before being cut off by you.

"It's just Crowley and he actually gave me what I wanted this time - some damn answers." You growl and notice Dean staring suspiciously at you.

"What answers did that slimy, lying, demon give you then?" Dean asks, his voice rough as always.

Your eyes dart towards Bobby and you shake your head,

"You boys don't quite have the clearance necessary for that, I want to talk to Bobby. Alone."

"(Y/n), I trust these boys, they're family. If you can tell me, you can tell them." Bobby assures you and you glance between them all before nodding.

"Fine. The blood belonged to Michael and if I were to receive the last dose of it then I'll become an archangel."

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