6} Mandatory Tragic Childhood

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"So, Bobby, what's the plan?" Sam asks as we all congregate in the study, him leaning against the wall with a grimace on his face, Bobby leaning over his desk covered in books and Dean sitting by the window cleaning his gun. My restless legs have me pacing the room and stoping every so often to bounce on the balls of my feet slightly, my adrenaline already racing at the thought of what's to come. I'm so close.

"Well we don't have any leads. He could be anywhere, in the fucking front garden for all we know!" I say, biting at my nails until they're bloody and stinging.

"Language. And stop pacing around, you're making me feel sea sick." Bobby grumbles, looking at me sympathetically which instantly pisses me off enough to stop pacing and clench my fists instead of tearing away at my nail beds.

"Sorry, this is just a very strange thing for me, plotting to off my father and all, I'm more than a little agitated." I mumble, walking to stand besides Bobby and look down on the marked map.

"I don't mean to be a dick but we still don't actually know what the hell is going on here. If you wanna maybe clue us in then we can actually get some work done." Dean interjects sarcastically, his mouth and nose doing an oddly charming twitchy thingy that catches my eye.

"I am hunting my dad. He's a vampire and a real cock, made my life literal hell and now wants me back. I've been hunting down his monster buddies, I've pretty much gotten rid of every nest in this state and the adjacent ones but I haven't found him. That demon-vampire thing must have been working with him, which means the demons are after my ass too." I break it down, not going into any details. They don't need to know any of this crap. "One of us has to die, him or me. Now I personally would really like to see him dying but if I can't gank this son of a bitch then one of you is going to put a bullet between my eyes because I am not becoming one of his little puppets, clear?"

"(Y/n)-" Sammy brown eyes starts, his face scrunched in a frown.

"No. I won't forgive any of you if I end up like him."

"I won't let it come to that, but you have my word, (y/n)." My eyes wander to Dean as he talks, noting the determination and focus in his eyes.

I nod in thanks and turn back to the map on the table.

"We know he is set up somewhere not too far away, but we haven't been able to track him down to a specific location yet. Any ideas, (y/n)?" Bobby asks standing back and carefully watching me with a thoughtful expression.

I guess he knows I'm going to lie to him, he knows me so well.

"No, I don't know where he could be." I try, eying up one very specific spot on the map.

"Nice try, now start talking or you're being locked in the safe room until this is over." Bobby threatens, patience thin.

"Fine. I think I know where he is. But," I stand up straight, folding my arms and fixing them all with a hard stare, "I don't want you coming with me, Bobby. I'm not putting the one weakness I have right in his sights, it's a stupid move."

I face off with him as his jaw clenches and I can almost hear the cogs in his head turning over, trying desperately to pick a hole in my logic but failing because obviously I'm right.

"I go or nobody goes. That's the end of it." He asserts, folding his own arms and staring back at me.

"You know that's stupid but whatever, it's your funeral old man." I shrug him off, breathing deeply and stuffing my anger back inside me.

"So where is he then?" Sam asks, approaching the map and glancing over it.

"My old...house. It's just where he kept me before John got me out but it's only an hour away and roughly in the middle of most of the nests I've dealt with." I sigh and a shudder travels through me before I can stop it. I have to walk away from the table and face the wall to calm down for a moment before returning with steeled eyes, I'm not letting him get to me. "I know the basement is big enough to hide out in during the daylight hours, he wouldn't need to draw attention by boarding up the windows. There's about a dozen locks on that door though last time I saw it so it won't be easy to get into but there's no other exit so we will just have to brute force it or wait for him to come to us."

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