8} Exhaustion

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My bare feet hit on the frozen ground beneath me and I thank god they're too numb to feel the pain as I push myself faster.

It feels like I haven't stopped running, spinning my spider web over the entire world so nobody could untangle it and follow me back home, leaping through space and venturing to parts of the world I never even knew existed, staying no longer than a week before being chased out by demons, exactly as the book predicts. I've been living my life by this book for almost a year now, following its orders exactly, never straying, and this is my last month on the run now, I'm so close to being able to go home that I can feel my heart aching.

The book told me to make my way to North Dakota and I had to hide in a shipping container to transit across the Atlantic from south Portugal, not a pleasant journey in a big, cold box surrounded by nothing but smaller boxes, packing straw and a leather jacket to keep me warm, and then it was just a case of hitchhiking across America to get here. The state had very little to offer me but I had to stay for a week, make sure I wasn't followed here, so I was trying to lay low and bunk down in a grubby motel by the highway. The last thing I expected to see when I came back from getting dinner and had started kicking my boots off was a fucking Angel!

The minute I looked at him, I could see his wings, giant and threatening and hauntingly beautiful, and I didn't hesitate. I turned and ran without even grabbing my shoes, darting into the woodland behind the motel with nothing but my jacket and the book I keep in my pocket at all times, just running as fast as I could, bringing me to now, cold feet aching and raggedly breathing as I sprint away.

I have no idea if he's still behind me or not, he's an angel so really he could be anywhere right now and I'd have no way of knowing, but I don't want to take the risk so I keep running until I make it out of forest and stumble onto the highway, barely having enough time to process the pair of headlights racing towards me as the screech of the breaks reaches my ears and I throw my hands in front of me to meet the car bonnet as it comes to a halt, the driver's door quickly being flung open.

"What the hell, lady? You tying to get yourself killed?" The driver angrily shouts and my head snaps up at his voice, latching onto the familiarity.

"Dean?" I croak, pulling the jacket around myself tightly and shifting on my feet as the other door opens and Sam jumps out, steadily approaching me like I'm a wild animal about to bite his arm off.

"Hey,(y/n), it's Sam. You're alright now." He says gently and I back away, reaching into my pocket for the book and opening it up to check the plan.

I have to stay here for a few more days and then the last thing I have to do is go to the place the first incident occurred and cleanse any energy I left there, hopefully ending the trail leading everything right to me at the moment.

"It's good to see you dorks and I'd love to catch up but I have to go, you should clear out too, I've really outdone myself this time and pissed off an angel." I sigh, turning from the two men and looking around for any sign of my executioner.

"An angel? We came here to hunt a shapeshifter, could it be that?" Dean asks in his usual, deep, gravelly manor that makes me tingle just a little.

"I'm not an idiot, I know an angel when I see one. Do me a favour and don't tell Bobby you've seen me, I don't want to get his hopes up if I'm about to become heavenly chow." I breathe deeply before turning to run again, almost yelling out in shock as someone grabs my arm and spins me towards them.

"Don't be an idiot, you're coming with us." Dean insists, staring me down with those burning green eyes.

"You don't own me, Winchester." I snap back, trying to tug my arm free but he grips my wrist tighter.

"No, I owe you." His voice laced with awkwardness and he coughs to cover it. "You're only having to do this weird run around because of me, I've been hunting long enough that I don't have an excuse for allowing a vamp to get the best of me like that and if you hadn't been there then I'd be dead."

My mouth hangs open a little in slight shock. Did I just get an apology from John's son? I've heard of angels playing tricks on people and I guess this is just some trap to keep me occupied.

"Hell nah, no way am I falling for an Angel trick like this. Why they ever though they could distract me with you two insanely attractive idiots I've no idea." I mutter sarcastically, pulling my wrist away as Dean smirks and tilts his head.

"Can't argue with that one, doll." He laughs and I catch Sam hiding a smirk.

"Don't let it go to your heads. Historically, I have very low standards when it comes to men." I grumble, putting the book away and pulling the jacket close to myself to keep warm, the cold making me shiver slightly.

"Really? No offence but you come across as a little uppity." Dean jibes, crossing his arms and leaning on the car as I slowly gravitate towards Sam like a heat seeking missile and lean against his warm body carefully.

"Yeah well at this point a man is a damn Saint if he doesn't lock me in a basement and experiment on me or use me as his own personal punching bag." My voice is low and I doubt either of them heard me but I notice the silence that falls over us and I look to the ground to avoid eye contact.

When I look back up, my heart races again.

"Dean, look out!" I yell, running forwards and pulling him behind me as I throw a punch at the freshly manifested Angel, hearing my fist crack against his face as the pain shoots down my arm.

He frowns and tilts his head before reaching out his hand and my whole body lifts off of the ground. I feel completely weightless for a few seconds before crashing into the road's abrasive surface, an unseen force crushing my windpipe as I claw my fingers down my neck desperately in a struggle to breathe again.

"Cas, stop! She's a friend, let her go." Dean quickly steps between us and the winged nightmare behind him softens, my airway suddenly opening as I feel the pressure being released and I gasp in as much air as my lungs will take.

"Dean, it's not safe to be around her, she-"

"Enough, Cas, she's Bobby's kid." Dean warns him, giving him one last glare before turning to me and offering me a hand up.

"You've got a pet Angel?" I snarl, knocking his hand to the side and standing myself up, glaring at the man behind him as I brush the dirt off of me.

"He has his uses." Dean shrugs, stuffing his hands into his pockets.

"Don't worry, he doesn't get along with everyone." Sam adds knowingly, moving to stand by my side and gently wiping some of the loose gravel off my back.

"No shit." I mutter, looking at him once again but feeling my eyes naturally drifting over the contours of his wings and being almost transfixed. "Can you at least put them away? They're distracting."

"Put what away?" Dean frowns, looking over at Cas and then back to me, confused once again.

"You mean the 10ft wings don't bother you? They're hard to look past." I scoff before registering the shock on both Sam and Dean's faces. "What?"

"You can see his wings?" Sam asks incredulously, eyebrows shooting upwards as he does and matching Dean's.

"You can't?"

"Of course not, they aren't Demons."

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