Bonus: My Dearest, Dean Winchester

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My dearest, Dean Winchester,

There are so many words inside me that I need you to hear but I just can't find the way to articulate to you just how much you mean to me.

You took my lonely, dark life and became the sun, you lit everything up and made my heart burn in the best way possible. You are my everything. You're the moon and the stars and the aether. You're the fire in my veins and the spark in my soul and I love you.

I love you, Dean. You are the best thing that's ever happened to me, that will ever happen to me, and I'm sorry I'm about to screw it all up.

But I've never been the one for you, which is why you need to get out of this shit show and find happiness, find a life. The life you could never have with me.

I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I couldn't hold on for you, for us, but she's my sister. I had to.

You probably understand that better than anyone.

This may be the most hypocritical thing I've ever said but, you need to keep saying no. You can't let Michael in, Dean. You're stronger than I am, you always have been and you need to be now.

Don't forget that promise you made me Dean, someone has to do it.

Please, I hope that you can find a way to forgive me.

I'll love you always,



The keys to the second best car in the world are in your green jacket pocket, she's all yours. Take good care of her.

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