28} To Raise The Dead

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You wake up with the usual scream as you thrash your way to consciousness and push yourself off of the bed, scampering to put the nearest wall behind your back. Another night another nightmare you guess, trying to forget that hell and remember how you got to be in your old bedroom in Bobby's house.

I...I tried to kill myself... There's no longer a bandage covering your wrist but the scarred flesh there doesn't lie and it couldn't anyway, you remember dragging the blade across your skin so vividly now you have to choke back the tears threatening to spill.

You'd guzzled those pills and almost been another soul consumed by the greedy horseman. The tears fall. You're alone in your room, no sign of either of the boys and you know Bobby can't come upstairs anymore since he's in his chair, and you decide on changing into some fresh clothes before making your way downstairs, smiling as you spot the leather jacket you thought you'd lost hanging on the back of your door. Even the smell of it brings you some small comfort and you don't care that it's John's and your relationship with him was tenuous at best, because this jacket is the one thing you have left over from one of the best days of your life.

Pulling it on as you walk down the stairs, you head for the one source of noise in the house which is from the kitchen, although on the way there you can't help but notice how damn clean the place is and the absence of its usual odour. Bobby get a maid or something?

Excited to see him after spending a few weeks away, you smile when he comes into view, sitting near his desk with a photo album in his hands, and lean against the doorway with folded arms as he finally looks up at you, eyes filled with a cocktail of Dad feelings - worry, anger, maybe a shot of disappointment and spliced through with something that could be relief.

"Good to have you home, girl." He smiles softly.

"Good to see you're finally taking care of yourself and this place." You joke. "Did Bobby singer actually scrub up?"

"Shut your trap, I can still kick you out ya know." He shoots back, smiling still, although that soon fades to worry again.

Especially when something makes a banging noise in the kitchen.

"Are Sam and Dean here?" You ask, not thinking as you stride to the door and slide it open, ignoring Bobby's dismissal and insistence that there's nobody in the kitchen.

What a liar.

There's a woman there, her flesh such a pale white she's almost grey, her hair short, curly but awfully limp, and a bright smile on her face. She doesn't look familiar and you send a questioning glance to Bobby who surprisingly looks terrified, waiting to see your reaction.

"Hey, I'm (y/n), I'm-"

"Bobby's daughter, he's told me so much about you, I'm glad you're awake so soon." She doesn't hesitate to pull you into a hug, throwing her arms around your shoulders and gently squeezing as you tense up. "It's so good to finally meet you, I'm Karen."

Bobby can only see part of your face from his position but it's enough to notice how wide your eyes are, full of pain and tears. He sees the moment you snap out of it and back yourself away, curiosity seeping out of your words and features.

"So, how do you know Bobby?" You ask innocently, watching the woman look to the man in question as if seeking permission to answer.

"Karen, would you mind making a pot of coffee? (Y/n) and I need to talk." He finally interrupts, wheeling out of the kitchen with you dawdling behind.

To say you're confused would be an understatement. Karen is Bobby's wife - the one who he killed years before you were even born. A dead woman is standing in the kitchen. You have no problem trusting Bobby when he assures you he's tested her every way he knows how to and he can't figure out what really happened. It gets weirder still as he tells you he cremated her, so it wasn't like something could've stolen her body.

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