23} A Heist Of Sorts

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You went with Castiel and located Crowley under a motorway bridge, meeting with a client.

"Twenty bucks says he's making this deal for obscene amounts of money." You joke, turning to Cas and smiling.

"Why would that amount of male dear be speaking at all let alone about this man's devil-worshiping habits?" He asks, tilting his head in confusion.

You groan out loud at his cluelessness and then grumble to yourself in frustration as Crowley finishes up the deal with a kiss and then walks away, the two of you following hot on his heels. He disappears into thin air, you grabbing Cas' arm as the two of you vanish as well, popping back into existence outside the gates of a large mansion in the middle of nowhere.

Castiel stops dead in his tracks and pulls out his phone, looking frustrated and staring angrily at the walls.

"What's wrong? What are you waiting for?" You ask, hitting his arm gently and sighing as he just stares blankly back. This guy is no fun at all.

"Dean, we found Crowley, but he's surrounded himself by Enokian wards, we can't go any further." His deep, gravely voice resounds, receiving an answer from what you could only assume to be Dean since you can't really hear.

"Cas, I don't see any marks, where are they?" He gives you a concerned glance before vanishing.

You almost scream in frustration before calming yourself down and 'hopping' into the backseat of the impala. You'd gotten pretty good at controlling this basic ability so you didn't really have to think about it much now, which was nice because now you can focus entirely on scaring the crap out of Sam and Dean every time you just randomly appeared next to them.

Sitting in the front seat with his eyes on the road, he hasn't noticed you yet, although Sam has and you place a finger to your lips to silence him before he can give you away. You make sure to stay out of sight of his mirror as you lean forwards in your seat, holding your breath and not making a sound, stopping as you're just hovering over his shoulder. You wait a few seconds before blowing gently against his neck.

The car swerves dangerously and you're all pressed forwards as Dean stomps on the breaks, jumping out of his damn skin and shooting you a glare as you and Sam laugh.

"Damn it, (y/n), scare me like that again and you'll be sorry." He warns, trying hard not to smile at seeing you again.

You lean in even closer to his ear as he starts driving again, whispering so only he can hear,

"You gunna punish me, Dean?"

Clearing his throat, he stiffens...all over, praying that you and Sammy won't notice. Wishful thinking.

He hears your light chuckle and the heat rises to his cheeks and you continue enjoying his embarrassment.

"I take it you're down for that then, Deano, just make sure we get two rooms at the next motel." Teasing still, you joke, smiling as Dean's freckled cheeks turn a pinkish hue and Sam grimaces.

"I'm guessing I don't want to know?" Sounding cautious, and rightly so, he decides not to probe, instead running a hand through his thick hair and shaking his head like the yucky thoughts of whatever his brother and best friend were discussing would flick out of his head like water from a dog's coat.

"Nope." You smile, popping the p. "Anyway, what's the plan for stealing the Colt?"

"Since the place is angel proofed, you and Cas can't help us here. We're on our way to pick up a friend, she's running distraction so we can get in, then we just have to find Crowley or the Colt before we get overwhelmed." Dean relays, his voice methodical, like a soldier repeating his orders. No points for guessing where he got that from.

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