16} Back In Business

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"....Michael? The Michael? Kick-Lucifer-straight-back-to-hell Michael?" Dean asks in disbelief.

"Yeah, that one." You sigh, checking your watch before picking up your keys. "But it's no biggie, I told Crowley to keep that last vial. I'm not taking it."

"(Y/n)...maybe you could stop the apocalypse." Sam suggest softly, carefully watching you freeze and think it over.

"Sam, I don't want to become a weapon for the assholes who think they can play with our lives. If I'm fighting this apocalypse, I'm doing it as a human." You contemplate, barely noticing the smile on Dean's face as you turn your back on all three of them. "I don't know how many days this will take so don't wait up."

"Where do you think you're going?" Bobby asks on the verge of anger as he wheels towards you.

"I'm a hunter, I'm going on a hunt. I need just a little bit of normalcy in my life right now, well normal for me anyway." You bend down to give Bobby a kiss on the forehead before picking up a duffel bag you'd packed full of clothes this morning and heading to the front door.

"Woah, you're just going to let her go, Bobby?" Dean asks, not noticing the bitch face you shoot his way. "She's rustier than half the junk in your yard, she shouldn't be hunting."

"It's none of your damn business whether I'm fit to hunt or not." You say defiantly, folding your arms and staring Dean down.

"Hey, I just don't want to have to watch Bobby lose a kid, princess." He defends, holding up both hands.

"Firstly, I'm not a kid and secondly, I'm a damn good hunter. Oh and don't forget that I'm also chock full of Angel blood, so I don't think I'm that easy to kill." You remind him, not breaking eye contact as he sets his jaw and you lift your chin in defiance.

"Can you two idjits not do this here? Ya make me all kinds of uncomfortable." Bobby grumbles, breaking the tension as you and Dean look away from each other and notice Sam smirking as Bobby grimaces.

"I second that." Sam adds, still smiling.

"Whatever, call me if you need me." You mumble and open the front door, ready to step out.

"At least let us come with you. Three of us will get the job done quicker." Dean offers, his hands held up in surrender as you shoot a glare back at him, considering the offer.

"I told you, I work alone, Dean." You reply, trying to gently decline the offer.

"Or are you just afraid you're not as good a hunter as I am?" He smirks with a challenge in his voice and a sparkle in his emerald eyes.

"Dream on." You scoff, attention fully back on him now as you let go of the door, hearing it swing closed behind you. "Put your money where your mouth is, Boy."

"You want a bet? Fine." Dean's tongue slowly flicks across his lower lip as he considers his words. "If I catch this thing first, then you admit I'm a better hunter and you buy drinks for a whole evening."

"Fine. But when I smoke your ass, you're paying for drinks and I get to take your baby for a spin." You grin, seeing his eyes widen in shock and then determination flashing through them.


The two of you shake on it as Sam and Bobby share a slightly amused look before Bobby waves the three of you off, you leading the way in your car and the boys following in the impala.

This is going to be a good hunt. You think as you let a grin spread across your face and you turn the radio right up, blasting your favourite rock mixtape loud enough to feel it vibrating your very soul.

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