Flash the bully

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I looked myself in the mirror. At least Flash and his gang didn't give me a black eye. That probably would've been hard to explain for dad. Pops would totally buy that some super villan or robber had given me one. Dad would first buy it. Then try to find that villan/robber and then do something stupid. But for now that wouldn't happen because my face is untouched and my parents doesn't have to pity me. I walk out of the restroom and meet up with Ned. Of course I tell him what happened. I mean, I tell him everything already.

-Pete I really think you should tell your parents, he said.

-Yeah and have their judgment and pity on me. No way! I answered.

-Oh c'mon. Do you actually believe they would do that?

-Um....yeah. They're the Avengers, they'd probably ask why I don't fight back.

-Why don't you fight back?

-Because I've always been the weak tiny nerd. If that suddenly changed it would probably be really suspicious.

-That's an excuse

-No it's a fact

Ned sighed annoyed.

-Whatever I gotta go. Happy's probably outside right now, I said and rushed outside.

Toilet water or beatings?

On second thought
Why choose?

C ya 2morrow Pete!

I sighed and made a mental note to bring extra clothes tomorrow.


-How have you not seen game of thrones!!? Wanda yelled.

-I just don't wanna watch it, Bucky answered.

Me and Steve laughed from the kitchen where we were drinking coffee together. I looked at the time and where just about to ask if Peter was home yet when Friday interrupted.

-Sir Happy has just arrived with Peter.

-Window or door? I asked and put down my mug.

-The vents sir.

I looked confused at Steve who sent me the same look back. Why was he taking the vents? I opened a hologram over the vent system.

-Alright Friday where is h....?I asked but was interrupted by Peter falling through the ceiling just inches away from me and Steve.

-Outch! I'm never taking the vents ever again, Peter said and rubbed the back of his head.

Steve immediately helped him up and looked at him worried. The others had of course noticed Peter falling through the ceiling.

-Good! Mind telling us what you were doing there in the first place? I asked and crossed my arms.

-Um....I was....trying to understand why uncle Clint likes it so much.

-Hey I haven't taken the vents since last week kiddo! Barton yelled.

Peter rolled his eyes and looked back at us. I looked down under his feet and saw one of the hatches and sighed. At least he's not hurt and he didn't break the ceiling.

-How was school? I asked to change the subject.

However Peter seemed a bit surprised and well....nervous about that question.

-School? Uh...eh....it was good! Yeah uh....me and Ned got to be lab partners.

-Any trouble? Steve asked and I could tell he was suspicious about something.

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