Baby Spider pt. 1

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Ok, I don't know how or why. But this story is slowly turning into an irondad and spider-son fanfic. I am not against it, but neither am I in control of it. It just happens.


I swung inside the lab where Bruce, mr. Stark, Steve and Nat were doing something. My "break in" made them all jump up into fight positions. But they relaxed just as they saw me.

-Hey guys, I said and pulled of my mask.

-Geez kid. You can't scare us like that! Mr. Stark said.

-Sorry. Is it okay if I do my homework here? I asked.

-Knock yourself out, Nat smiled.

I sat down at a desk and started working. I could feel the others glancing over at me from time to time. They all had an obsession with helping me with school stuff. I swear to god they sometimes forget I have an aunt.


I had been studying for about an hour. The others had helped me from time to time. Not that I needed it. I kinda just asked to make them happy. Witch worked. Steve had even got me some juice to drink. I was reading about radioactive radiation and decided to drink some juice. So without looking I took what I thought was my bottle with juice and drank it.


We were going through all the latest Hulk data. Since Bruce had found a way to be both Bruce and hulk we figured we should check so it's all safe. But it was a bit hard to concentrate with a hard studying Peter across the table.

-Done. You guys need any 'elp? Peter said with a baby voice.

I looked up and....oh my god he was a baby. My eyes widened and I just starred at him. His suit had installed body measures to make the suit fit him perfectly anytime. So the suit of course had done it's job. Now Peter was a baby Spider.

-What's up with that voice Pete? Bruce asked and looked up.

His eyes widened to and he poked Nat's elbow. She looked up and gasped witch also made Steve look up at Peter. We all just starred at him.

-W'at? He asked and tilted his head.

So cute

-Friday. Mirror at Peter, I said.

-Mr. Sta'k w'at's w'ong? Peter asked before seeing his reflection.

He started touching his face, probably not believing his reflection. Then he looked at his hands.

-Oh my god I'm a baby! He said and tears started streaming down his cheeks.

-Oh no, no, no, no. Don't cry Pete! Nat said panicked and rushed over to pick up Peter.

She started rocking him in her arms humming on a melody. (A/N the old Spider-Man theme song)Peter just looked at her weirdly.

-W'at a'e you doing Nat? He asked.

-Just comforting you. There's nothing to worry about, she said with a soft voice.

-W'at a'e you even talking about? Peter asked and webbed himself upside down from the ceiling.

The little hair he had now were straight and I had to fight not to just die of cuteness overload.

-I'm a baby. Don't you t'ink t'at is a little wo'ysome? Peter asked. I can't even say aj...auj...ay...the lette' befo'e S.

-Bruce? Steve asked worried and looked over at Bruce who was reading on an empty bottle. seems like Peter drank from my aging potion, Bruce answered.

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