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Peter's 15 and Spider-Man. He's just become an avenger. The others says its fine for him to stay anonymous as long as he wants.


I had been doing some studying with Ned and decided I could swing by the avengers to. So after a few hours of two nerds sunday studying and star wars nerding I put everything in my backpack and put on my suit. Then I hugged Ned goodbye and jumped out the window. Breathing in the New York air really put a smile on my face. I loved this city. Even though it was here I learned about my parents deaths and watched uncle Ben die the city had given me so much in return, Ned, my powers and my Stark internship. I webbed myself to the tower and climbed inside.

-Hello Spider-Man. Would you like me to alert the others of your presence? Friday asked.

-Yes please, I answered and closed the window behind me.

Then I jumped down to the floor and started walking towards the living room. When I entered I saw Natasha, Wanda, Vision, Steve, Bucky and Clint.

-Hey guys! I said.

-Look who decided to swing by! Clint said.

I rolled my eyes at him even though he obviously couldn't see my eyes.

-What's up with the backpack? Bucky asked.

-Backpack? I asked and looked over my shoulder.

Oh man I totally forgot to hide it in a alley. Being the idiot I am I told them the first thing that plopped up in my head.

-What backpack? I asked and tried to hide the backpack even though the stripes was visible.

-The one on your back, Natasha answered.

-The one witch seems to be full of stuff, Bucky said.

-Watcha got in there? Clint asked.

They are seriously to curious for their own good.

-Uuuuh.....homework, I said since I couldn't come up with any lies.

-Homework? What, are you still in college or something?? Wanda asked.

-Something like that, I said and sat down on one of the free armchairs.

-Spidey if you need help with your studies then all you have to do is ask, Steve said.

-No it's fine. I was just at my friend's house and did a little sunday studying.

-Pfft NEEERD!! Clint teased.


Okay so I might have taken a little advantage of having two WW2 soldiers nearby to my history essay. But technically it's not cheating, it's just quicker learning. Now it was eating lunch with the Avengers. I still had my mask on, it was just pulled up a bit.

-So how's college life going for you? Bruce asked looking at me. I didn't wanna tell them that I was still just in high school and a teenager. So I decided to just roll with it.

-Um....good. My roommate is nice and all, I lied.

-That's good. What college? Nat asked with a sly smirk on her face.

-Hey! I'm not an idiot, I said.

-Well it was worth a shot.

I just shook my head and ate the rest of my pizza. Hanging out with the Avengers really was fun. They were like a big family.

-I just gotta ask. How do you do this whole....Spider-Man thing and go to college? Mr. Stark asked.

-Looots of detentions, I answered and the others chuckled.

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