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I was swinging through New York. May had gone on a business trip. So I was all by myself this whole week. It's pretty good so far. I can be out longer on patrol because she can't just come in to my room whenever to check on me. She joked about getting a babysitter or something. But I don't think she was serious. I mean, I'm 15.


I was going through some mission reports since Steve wouldn't stop nagging about it. So now I was reading some reports about our latest mission. It was simple until I came around Steve's, Bucky's and Vision's. They all had written like 100 pages. But luckily my phone rang and saved me. I picked it up and checked the caller ID. It was ms. Parker. Weird, hope Peter's okay. I then answered telling myself I wasn't worried about Peter. I just wanted something else to do than to read mission reports.

-It's Tony, I said.

-Hi mr. Stark. This is May Parker. Your interns aunt, she said.

-Yeah I remember you, I said.

-Oh good. Because Peter spends a lot of times with you and from what I've heard it sounds like you're friends??

-More or less, yeah.

-I was just wondering. I'm going to be out of town for the whole week. But could you check in with him at least once a day. Just to make sure he eats and doesn't stay out to late.

I couldn't help but smile.

-I would love to. Don't worry ms. Parker your nephew will be in safe hands.

-Thank you.

Present time

I landed on a building and breathed on the evening air. This was one of the things I loved the most about being Spider-Man. Just to stand on top of a building and breathe. As I was looking down on the city a call from mr. Stark showed up. I quickly answered.

-Hi mr. Stark! I said.

-Kid have you eaten anything today? He asked.

-Yeah. I ate lunch at 12.

-It's 8pm. Peter get your butt over here now!!

-Mr. Stark it's fine. I probably got some food at home.

-Probably is not gonna cut it Pete. Either you're here in 30 minutes or I'm sending the Iron legion after you, mr. Stark said and hung up.

I just shrugged my shoulders and started swinging towards the Avengers tower. If I'm gonna be honest I was a bit curious why mr. Stark acted like he did over the phone. Sure he always orders food when we're working late in the lab. But I haven't really experienced him calling me in the middle of patrol just to make sure I've eaten.


I landed on the avengers tower and climbed in through the lab window. When I entered I saw Bruce working on something. He looked up as he probably heard me come in and smiled.

-Hi Pete, he said and stopped whatever he was doing.

-Hi Bruce, I said and pulled of my mask.

-You're out later than usual.

-My aunt is gone for the week. So I don't have to worry about her checking my room while I'm out on patrol.

-Don't stay out to late. You still got school tomorrow, Bruce said.

The doors to the lab opened and Nat and Thor stepped inside.

-Bruce general R.....Peter! Nat exclaimed when she saw me.

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