Field trip pt. 1

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I slowly walked out of my room in the tower. Man I was tired after last weeks mission. Slowly I entered the big kitchen where all the others were.

-Morning dorks and Natasha, I said

-Well someone's tired, pops said.

-Yeah last week was really exhausting, I said and yawned before settling down between dad and uncle Rhodey.

-I suppose helping the guardians was quite the adventure for you young Peter, Thor said.

-Well yeah. And then I had to help Quill catch up with the new movies. Gotta make sure he gets footloose out of his system.

-I am already regretting giving you his contract info, dad said.

We all then continued eating breakfast like we always did. Dad and pops offered that I could stay home and rest if I wanted to. But honestly I've already missed to much of school.


Natasha drove me even though I could've swung here easily. But at least Natasha didn't take the most expensive car in the garage like dad would do.

-Can you drop me off here? I asked when we were almost at my school.

-Why? Natasha asked and stopped the car.

-Well I don't wanna get any attention. And sitting in a shining new jeep with the black widow kinda gives you attention.

-Okay. I'll pick you up after school.

-Okay. Bye. Love you aunt Nat, I said and left the car.

-Love you to, she said and drove of.

I walked towards the school and saw everyone outside close to one of the school busses. I walked up to MJ and Ned who were there talking about something.

-Hi what's going on? I asked.

-They're sending us to prison camp, MJ answered.


-She's joking. We're going on a field trip, Ned said.


-We don't know. But I've heard it's gonna be pretty awsome,Ned said.

-I didn't know you liked wearing orange coveralls, MJ said.

-We're not going to prison camp!

-Yeah yeah. Anyways loser. How was your Stark internship business trip to Japan? MJ asked. was cool. Boring but cool, I lied.


The whole building was on fire and thrown into the air. Luckily there was only a few....aliens? here. So I quickly webbed everyone into cocoons and jumped out. Seemed like we were at least 5000 feet up.

-Hey dad I wouldn't mind a lift now!! I yelled through the coms.

-You know you could actually ask a little nicer, dad said and his empty suits picked everyone up.

But there was one to little. Witch meant I was still falling to my death.

-Guys if you're mad about the hot tea incident I'm sorry! I yelled.

-Oh c'mon Pete. You know I'm the only one allowed to pick you up, Natasha said through the coms.

Then I saw the milano flying over me and opening the hatch. There Natasha stood and jumped out aiming for me.

-Web me! She yelled

I did as she said and webbed her so she came close to me. It wasn't until then I realized she had a parachute. I sighed relived as Natasha realised the parachute and slowed down our falling speed.

End of flashback

-Oh c'mon! You don't actually believe Penis Parker has the internship? Flash asked.

-No we don't believe it, MJ said. We know it. And if you don't shut your five braincells mouth I'll make sure everyone sees that video.

Flash's eyes widened and he immediately walked back to his friends. I sent MJ a thankful smile. Man I'm glad I'm not on her bad side.

-Okay everyone get on the buss! Mr. Harrison yelled.

The three of us squeezed together on two seats just because we didn't have any other friends. Ned took a whole seat for himself while MJ was basically sitting in my lap. All though she didn't seem to mind.


Me, Ned and MJ were just causally talking. It was nice. MJ kept trying to convince me and Ned that we were on our way to prison camp. Soon the bus stopped.

-Ha! Told you. We're not going to prison camp, Ned said happily and stood up.

MJ snorted and we left the bus. My eyes widened as I saw the avengers tower. Suddenly I felt someone push me from behind. I almost high fived the ground with my face. Luckily I got my balance back in the very last minute. I turned around to see a very amused Flash.

-Now we can finally find out about your so called "internship", he said grinning like he just won the lottery.

-Aaaaaand....sent. Everyone check your phones!!! MJ yelled.

Everyone did and both MJ and Ned walked up to me and gave me a pat on each shoulder. Soon everyone seemed to hold back laughs and some even pointed at Flash. I looked at MJ confused who just smirked at me.

-You can thank me later, she said and walked into the lobby of the tower.

I immediately became nervous again. Sure MJ and Ned knew and believed me about my internship. But I haven't told them yet that I live with the avengers. So that's gonna be a surprise.

-Okay line up everyone to get your ID cards, Wendy a girl who worked here said.

I saw as she handed out level 2 cards. Oh no....I have a level 10. Witch is only for the avengers, their family members or very qualified shield agents. Plus Wendy is not gonna give me a card since dad had a strict rule of re-printing ID cards. Man today was not my day. Luckily no one really noticed when I didn't get a card. So I just pulled out my own from my pocket. MJ did send me a confused look but soon dropped it. Probably thinking I'm here so often that I already have my own. Witch isn't completely wrong.

-Okay everyone. I'm Wendy and I'm gonna be your guide today. The cards you have been given allows you to be in the tower for 24 hours up to floor 20....

Then Wendy continued on explaining about what all the floors are about, why there's different level of cards and all that stuff. I didn't really pay attention since I already knew it.

-....Okay let's go over to the scans, Wendy said witch got me back to reality.

As Friday started scanning everyone's cards and reading up their names and levels I started panicking. What am I supposed to do now? I can't fake I'm suddenly sick because I'm already home but I can't go through the scanners either. Before I knew it I was already in the scan.

-Peter Benjamin Parker. Level 10. Welcome back. Shall I inform boss you're back? Friday asked.

-N-no it's fine Friday. Don't tell them I'm here, I said.

-How the hell did you get a level 10 card Penis!? Did you hack the system? Flash asked really upset.

-I-I didn't do anything, I said.

-Okay kids let's continue! Wendy yelled saving me from Flash.

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