He's back

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This is kinda after IW and endgame but still kinda. Let's just say that everyone came back and Tony is not dead, neither is Nat and Cap isn't old. But after the snap Peter didn't come back. Don't know why let's just say he didn't and Tony is not really that happy about it. But he still lives with his family in that house. Before IW let's just also say that Peter got to hang out a lot with the avengers.


I woke up in a strange lab. Where the hell was I? Wasn't I just fighting Thanos?

-Sir Spider-Man has woken up, a voice said.

-He doesn't seem like he has. But when he do, he will be HYDRA's newest and biggest weapon.

My eyes widened and I jumped out of bed breaking the chains I just were chained in. In the room I could now see twelve doctors and a guy in black uniform. I quickly knocked everyone down and ran. Man HYDRA was stupid. If I were HYDRA I would've ripped of my mask long ago. But they didn't. I started swinging through the corridors. But it was hard. HYDRA had given me some wounds during the fight. But I need to find mr. Stark. He should be able to tell me what the hell happened to me.


Finally the Avengers HQ was built up again. The last week has been tough. Thor left with the guardians a while ago and we have a bunch of new avengers moving in here....and Tony is still beating himself up about the kid. I don't blame him. Peter was like a son to him. I walked into the living room where the others were watching a movie. Or so I thought. Turned out everyone once again watched Peter's old vlogs.

-Anyone heard from Tony yet? I asked as I sat down to watch.

-Not really, Nat answered without taking her eyes of the screen.

We continued watching for a while. Then suddenly we heard yelling.

-No!!! Let me through!!! I need to talk to mr. Stark!!! Someone yelled.

We paused the vlogs and stood up. Soon a guy cosplaying Peter ran upstairs with the security guards running after him.

-Sorry mr. Rodgers. But this guy won't leave! One of the security guards said.

-No! I need to talk to mr. Sta....!

-Enough already! One of the guards said and pulled of the Spider-Man mask.

Our eyes widened when we saw Peter's beaten up face.

-You sir have to leave, one of the guards said.

-N-no Phillip. It's fine. He-he's with us, Rhodey said.

The guards nodded and left. We all just watched as the security guys left. Peter then turned to us. His eyes were filled with confusion, just like ours.

-Queens? I asked.

-Where's mr. Stark? I need to talk to him. Because One moment I'm fighting Thanos, then he snaps his fingers and the guy who likes footloose just disappears. Like it was so weird. And then I start to feel a little bit weird and....and.....why are you all starring at me like that?

We barley could answer. This wasn't like it had been with Scott. Everyone came back after the snap but not Peter. So how the hell were we supposed to react to this. Right before Thanos maybe a month or so we all met Peter again after the airport incident. He immediately became our first priority to protect. Nobody questioned why Tony were so overprotective with him, because we were the same. And then he died and broke all our hearts when he didn't come back. After a while of just starring Nat ran up to Peter and seemed to hug her tighter than she has ever hugged anyone before. Soon most of us did the same.

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