Running away pt. 2

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I landed on a rooftop and looked over the city. Damn it Pete where are you? Just as I thought that I got a text from Vision. It was a video footage someone had taped on their phone during an attempt of robbery at a starbucks. The video showed Peter talking to a guy with a gun. With just using words Peter had made the guy put down his weapon. I smiled in pure pride when Peter even payed for the man's drink. Then I checked the adress and flew over there.


I was leaving Starbucks and had gotten a bit further away when I heard a strange noise behind me. I turned around and saw my dad, pops and vision enter starbucks. Immediately I put on my hood and continued walking. Maybe I could stop by the library for a while. Yeah I'll do that.


I had been walking for a while now when I suddenly stopped. I was outside my old home. Not the hq. My aunt's previous apartment. Even though it's almost five years ago she died I still think about her. I sent the apartment a gentle smile before I continued walking towards the library. Soon I actually got there.


-Okay thanks anyway, I said to the cashier.

Vision had found a footage of Peter stopping a robbery without turning into Spider-Man. I was a bit proud of him. I probably could've been more proud if he wasn't missing. The cashier didn't know where had gone. So we were all back at square one. We walked outside and vision flew away while Tony and I stayed.

-We'll find him. He can't have gotten that far, I said.trying to cheer him up.

-If he didn't swing. Then he could've gotten a long way, Tony said.

-Well do you have any new Spider-Man reports? I asked.

Tony stayed silent for a while before shaking his head.

-Well then he probably walked. So let's continue looking, I said and walked up to my motorbike.


I'd finally found the book I wanted to read, it was called divergent. It seemed pretty good. At first I thought I could read it at the library. But then I decided to walk back May's old place. I climbed up on the ladder and sat there for a while and read. Throughout my reading I actually started missing my aunt more. Sure I got it pretty good with my new family. But there's no tomorrow without a yesterday. That's probably why I sometimes don't feel at home with the avengers. Sure I would love to actually be an avenger and not only live with them. But nothing is ever normal there like it was with May. I kinda miss that part, I miss being Peter Parker. That's something I never told dad or pops. I just don't wanna make them feel sad that I don't always feel at home with them. Because honestly they're the best dads you could ever ask for. But...

-Peter! Is that you?

I looked around and saw a woman in blonde hair peek out from a window.

-Yeah? Who's asking?

-I'm Sharon Carter, she said and held out her hand.

I shook it and was about to say my name when I realized she probably already knew it. So I stayed silent.

-How do you know my name? I asked.

-Oh I kissed your pops once, she said like it was no big deal.

-What!? I asked and thought of.any reason pops would cheat on my dad.

-Oh not like that Pete. It was before your pops and your dad started dating. What are you doing here?

I held up my book and Sharon nodded.

-Something tells me you're not just here because you wanna read a book, she said.

-No not really, I said and hoped she wouldn't ask more questions.

-You wouldn't happen to be running away from home were you?

-Only for a few days. I just needed some....normal time. Things don't really get normal when you're living with the avengers.

-I see. Well do you wanna know what I think?

I nodded and Sharon climbed out through her window and sat down beside me.

-I think your family is worrying sick about you right now. And I think that instead of just running away you should talk to them. If your dads won't listened then try to talk with the others.

-I're right.

-Well it's a part of my job to be right, Sharon joked. "Do you want me to call your pops?"

I nodded once again and closed my book.


We had been searching for hours with no trace of Peter. Just as I were about to have a small breakdown Steve's phone buzzed. He put it on loud speaker since it could be news about Peter.

-Steve, he answered.

-Hey Steve it's Sharon, a female voice spoke.

-Hi Sharon. Why'd you call?

-Well I'm sitting outside my window with a teenage boy who seems to have run away from home. Sounds familiar?

-Peter!? Me and Steve said at the same time.

-He's okay. I'll send you the adress, Sharon said and hung up.


I sat and talked with Sharon for a while. She was actually pretty cool. It turned out that she was grandma Peggy's nease. What a small world. After a while I heard the sound of a motorbike and my dads suit coming closer. I looked down and saw both of my parents standing down on the street. Sharon looked at me.

-Go and hug your dads spidey, she said.

-You know!?

-I'm a shield agent.

-Touché, I said and jumped of the railing and lowered myself to the ground with my web.

My feet barley got to touch the ground before my dad and pops embraced me with two giant hugs.

-We've been so worried Peter, Dad said.

-I'm sorry....I just, I needed a little normal time. That's all, I said.

-Normal time? Pops asked and pulled away.

-No superheroing, no superheroes in the living room, none of that. Just normal time.

-Son listened. It has come to our knowledge that we way be a little overprotective over you. We just....we just don't want you to be hurt, pops said.

-But we have also realized that a teenager, like you. Needs alone time or as you call it "Normal time". So if you would be so kind and come with us home we'll try to loosen up the ties a bit, dad said.

-For real!?

-Yeah, you're still grounded for two weeks but after that sure!

-Thank you so much, I said and hugged them.

-Just promise you won't run away again. I don't think your old mens hearts can take it, Pops said.

-I promise

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