Phone call

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-See you tomorrow Pete! Ned said and left me at my locker.

-See you! I answered and opened my locker.

I was gonna have a test in geometry tomorrow. Of course I already knew everything but I wanted to be sure. So I was gonna study a little today before going out on patrol. When I opened my locker I didn't spot my book. So I tried to look behind the books I already had there. But it wasn't there.

Oh snap!

I probably forgot it at the avengers tower yesterday. A deep sigh escaped my lips as I picked up my phone and started walking towards the exit. I really hated bothering mr. Stark. Especially about school stuff. A few signals went by before he answered.

-Hi kid what's up? Mr. Stark asked.

-Hi mr. Stark! have you seen my geometry book? I think I forgot it at the tower yesterday.

-Yeah it's in the la....

-Is that Peter? A female voice asked.

-I swear to god you guys forget who recruited him, mr. Stark said.

-Hi Peter it's me Carol. How are you? Ms. Danvers asked happily (super exited bc it's her Petey boy)

-Hi ms. Danvers! Yeah I'm good I just got out of school.

-Oh that's great! Vallie and I are cooking dinner tonight. You should come!

-Sure. I'm just gonna check with my aunt. But it should be fine, I said as I walked outside to see a black car outside.

I stopped because that car looked kinda familiar. So of course I slowly choose to approach it while mr. Stark and ms. Danvers started a normal avengers argument. I kept sneaking up to the car when suddenly the window opened and I saw Happy sitting behind the steering wheel.

-Are you gonna get in or not? He asked annoyed.

I sighed a bit relived and got into the car. Just as I heard another female voice ask mr. Stark and ms. Danvers who was on the phone. As my name was mentioned ms. Romanoff joined the call.

-Hi Pete! You still in school? Not skipping I hope, ms. Romanoff said.

-Am I on loudspeaker in the kitchen again? I asked.

-Yeah. Tony's drinking his grumpy coffee while checking facebook again, Ms. Romanoff answered.

-He's so old, I chuckled.

-Hey! I'm still here kid!!

-Sorry mr. Stark.

-Is that Peter I hear? Did Peter call and you didn't tell me!? Mr. Barton's voice echoed from afar.

Then I heard some metal sound and I guess he broke down a vent hatch again.

-Hi mr. Barton! I said.

-It is him! Peter when are you coming over? It's been so long.

-I'm on my way now. I forgot my geometry book there.

-Where's the book guys? I wanna see how Spider-boy is doing in school, mr. Barton said.

-Already checked three times. He's doing pretty good, Mr. Stark said.

-Yeah I saw it. That kid knows math better than me, ms. Romanoff answered.

-Guys you can't just read my geometry book!

-Why not!? All of them asked.

-Because it's not your job to check how I'm doing in school! It's May's!!

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