Field trip pt. 2

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We were walking through lab after lab. Wendy was explaining all the experiments that was happening there. I didn't really listened because I already knew it. In fact one of the experiments I even came up with. Wendy said it was for Spider-Man since she seemed to have taken the hint that I didn't want any attention. We soon left the lab we were in and walked into another. My eyes widened as I saw Bruce and Natasha standing a bit further away talking to some scientists. I immediately put on my hood and tried to hide my face.

-Oh you're lucky today. Here's dr. Bruce banner and ms. Romanoff, Wendy said.

Bruce and Nat turned towards the class. Luckily they didn't notice me. Wendy explained to them that my class had a field trip here.

-Well welcome cla....Peter!? Is that you? Nat asked and I tried to cover up my face even more.

But Parker luck just had to interrupt as I heard Nat heading over towards me. Soon I saw her boots right in front of my feet. I slowly looked up and saw Nat. Before I could say something she embraced me in a big hug.

-Why didn't you tell me you were coming here? She asked and let go of me.

-Well....I just learned about it, I answered ashamed since everyone was starring at me.

-Do you know him!? Flash yelled and pushed people aside to get through.

-Yes of course he's....

-An intern, I interrupted her.

Nat and Bruce sent each other confused glares. But they seemed to roll with it. Flash however starred at me for some kind of explanation.

-I...uh sometimes takes food orders for the avengers and takes notes at their meetings, I lied.

-That's true. He sometimes helps out in the labs to, Bruce said.

I sighed relived. But deep down I knew I had a shit storm waiting for me after this field trip.

-So Parker actually has an internship here!? But I thought you guys only accepted college students, Flash said.

-Well we decided to make an exception for such a extraordinarily person as Peter, Nat said and grabbed my shoulder.

Her hand grabbed a little to hard telling me I had a lot of explaining to do later. Bruce and Wendy then started talking about everything they were doing here. All though Bruce and Nat sent me glares from times to times. Finally we left the room behind us.


The Milano's podd had landed on our roof. It turned out to be Quill, Gamora and Drax coming over. Probably had something to say about last week's mission.

-Hey Stark! Quill yelled as he entered the living room.

-What do you want Quill!? I yelled and finished my sandwich.

-Oh nothing. Just came by to pay you a little visit, he said.

-He's obsessed with those Star wars movies the Spider-boy gave him and wants some more, Gamora said.

-Peter's not here. He's at school, I said.

-School? Oh man it was a long time I was there. He has to tell me about it when he gets here. Speaking of, when will he be back? Quill asked.

-In a few hours. Friday could you tell me when Peter gets home! I said.

-He already is boss, Friday answered.

I looked up confused. That can't be right.

-It's true! Natasha said who walked out of the elevator with Bruce.

-He's here with his class and doesn't wanna tell them he lives here. Says he's an "intern", Bruce explained.

-That's....weird, Quill said.

-You think? I said sarcastically. Friday keep an eye on Peter and alarm me if you notice something weird.


It was finally lunch break. We all entered the cafeteria and sat down. Me, Ned and MJ started "nerding out" about star wars while we were eating.

-Guys I'm just gonna run to the toilet real quick. Be back in a sec, I said and walked of towards the restrooms.

When I entered the hallway I suddenly was pressed up against the wall. I opened my eyes after I had closed them in my shock of being pressed up somewhere. It was Flash and he was not looking to happy.

-Listen Penis! I don't know what systems you've hacked or how much money you've payed people. But if you think that I buy your little trick you're wrong. I'm gonna figure out what's going on and when I do you're gonna wish you were on that plane with your parents, Flash threatened and let me go.

Suddenly one of the vents' hatches fell down. Then Clint jumped down and looked at us weirdly.

-Is there a problem here? He asked and crossed his arms.

-N-not at all sir, Flash stuttered.

Clint didn't seem convinced and looked over at me. A small part wanted to tell him. But I didn't really wanna realise Flash's wrath on me.

-It's fine Clint, I answered.

Clint still didn't seem convinced. Soon he sighed and nodded in the direction of the cafeteria. Flash took that as a que to leave. I however stayed behind knowing Clint would only stop me if I tried to leave. Besides I still needed to use the restroom.

-You okay Pete? Clint asked.

-I'm fine uncle Clint, I lied.

-Then why did he press you up against the wall?

-You saw that?

-I saw you from the vents.

-He just thought I'd stole his phone. When I told him I didn't he backed off, I lied.

-You sure that's all?

-Peter! Someone yelled.

Clint turned around to see who was shouting my name. It turned out to be MJ and Ned. They ran up to us with their faces full of worry.

-We just saw Flash coming from here. You okay? Did he do something to you? MJ asked.

Clint narrowed an eyebrow at me and I sighed. Parker luck strikes again.

-Friends of yours? Clint asked.

-Yeah this is MJ and Ned, I said.

-Oh I've heard about you two.  especially about you M....

-Shouldn't you get back to the vents Clint? I interrupted him knowing I just made the awaiting shit storm even worse.

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