Ash (1)

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Ash x 17 year old human reader

Ash and Blue Eyes trekked happily back to their home after fishing for that morning.

'That bear wouldn't get me Blue Eyes, im quick!' he signs to his friend.

'shut up Ash!' Blue Eyes replied hooting at him half heartedly.

As they made their way down the path, something sounded ahead of them. Both stopped just as a tall figure came into view. They both froze as the figure gasped in shock.

It was a human, a female with long hair and bright eyes that were widened at the sigh of the apes. She was young, couldn't be much older than then the two staring at her. Blue Eyes seemed tense but Ash couldn't help but stare in wonder at the female. She was so pretty, plus she was the first human he'd ever seen.

"Hi..." she whispered holding her hands up to show she meant no harm.

"Can you sign?" she asks and signs at the same time.

Blue Eyes nods and the two relax a bit. The girl sighs and lifts her hands again.

'i am (y/n) i mean no harm.' she begins to sign.

'Go away!' Blue Eyes replies suspiciously.

The female takes the grim expression as a threat and slowly walked up to them and dug into her pocket, pulling out a granola bar and opening it. She pulled the bar out and held it out to them.

"Its ok, i wont hurt you." she smiles softly.

Blue Eyes slowly walked up to her and snatched the bar from her hand. He backed up and sniffed it, then broke it off and handed a piece to Ash, who numbly grabbed it. Hew as still staring at the girl as she watched them. It wasn't wariness or fear, it looked more like wonder and fascination. Ash walks forwards a bit with a huff. The girl turns to him and smiled a little with a nod. Her smile brightened as his own lips curled upwards.

"(y/n)!" suddenly she jumped as the voice neared them.

The apes saw a man run up with a gun in his hand. He ran ahead of the female and shoved her behind him aiming the gun at the apes. When the apes saw the fun Blue Eyes hissed at him in warning which set the guy into a panic and cocked the gun.

"No wait!" she shouted as she pulled on the man's arm.

The man shoved her off and she stumbled backwards, tripping on a root and fell on her back with a loud oomph. Ash growled as he stepped forwards ready to defend the poor female when suddenly a loud bang was heard along with a sharp pain hitting his shoulder. He howled as he fell backwards clutching his shoulder. The girl flinched when she heard the shot and when she saw the fray furred ape go down, she shot up and yelled at the man. She shoved past him and ran to the ape.

The blue eyed one wanted to growl at her but she was kind so he allowed her to go to his friend. She knelt by him as Blue Eyes hissed and snarled at the man while he shouted for the others. She pulled a handkerchief out of her back pocket and pressed it to his wound. Thankfully the bullet didn't actually fo in his skin it just cut his arm. She quickly wrapped his arm as he sat up, gibbering nervously as he watched her wrap the colorful cloth around his shoulder.

As carter shouted for the others and they arrived, they all heard apes howling and hooting above them. They all saw the apes surround them and aimed their guns at them. A huge number of apes began to hoot angrily at them as they aimed their spears at the humans. They were outnumbered.

(y/n) just finished tying the cloth around his shoulder when she heard a loud thump beside her. She yelped as another ash colored ape roared at her causing her to fall backwards towards the other humans. She scrambled up and ran behind Malcolm. Ash hooted as he sat up, his father kneeling by him and holding him tight while he hooted angrily. He tried to talk to his father but the pain in his shoulder hurt too much.

'shot him. Shot my son!' he signs to Ceaser, who held up his hands to calm his ape brethren. (y/n) cowered behind the man as she heard them speak to the leader.

"We don't mean any harm!" he says as they put their guns down.

Ash sat up waving his father off and looking at the girl. She was frozen behind the other male clinging to his coat with her head ticked behind him. She peeked around the corner of the mans shirt and frowned at him sadly.

'I'm sorry.' she signs quickly. Ash nodded knowing it wasn't her fault the male was violent. She was just trying to protect them.

"GO!" Ceaser howled angrily frightening them all.

The humans in turn scrambled out of there an ran down the hill and to their vehicles. The man who shot Ash grabbed ahold of the girl's arm and hauled her with him to Ash's displeasure. She sent one last apologetic look his way before following after them. Ash watched the girl go and touched the brightly colored cloth on his shoulder. The first human he ever saw had tried to stop one of their own kind from hurting them. He smiled a little and touched the cloth, reminding himself to keep it after his wound heals. He really hoped he could see her again.

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