Blue Eyes

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Blue Eyes x M! Shifter! Reader

The colony was safe, the apes were freed and the colonel was dead. So why the sudden fear and wariness from the colony?

Blue Eyes helped by his fathers side, leading the apes through the desert and to their new home, an old national park. It was free from humans and the forest on the other side was vast and rich with life. They would prosper there. But as they entered the forest, Ceaser paused, sniffing the sir and stiffening. The rest of the colony caught the scent and also froze in fear.

A predator.

Blue Eyes smelled the air but only found the earth, fresh dewy grass and tree sap, with a strange musk hanging in the air. It smelled good; so why is his father reaching for his spear and walking forward? Reluctantly Blue Eyes did the same, motioning the other apes to guard the females and young, who huddled together.

The two males walked forwards, standing a ways away from each other. Until suddenly the bushes ahead of them rustled quietly. The two held up their spears, ready to strike. When slowly, out of the bushes emerged a large wolf. It was the largest anyone had ever seen and had the brightest blue orbs. His fur was white below and gold lining around a patch of brown and black. His nails were sharp and jagged and he was slowly approaching. But his fur hadn't rose threateningly. Instead he was slowly walking forwards, almost wary but determined. And heading right to Blue Eyes, eyes locked on the ape. But Blue Eyes didn't attack, simply looked at the wolf. For some reason he couldn't hurt him.

Unfortunately, Ceaser and the others did it for him. Suddenly the wolf yelped in pain, falling to the side and weighed in pain as the spear stuck into his side. Ceaser approached it, howling at him as the others began to circle him, spears pointed to finish him.

"No!" Blue Eyes suddenly shouts.

This surprised them all into backing away while he slowly approached. Just as he stepped up to the wolf, something strange happened.

The wolf began to shrink slightly, the hair slowly reseating and his legs turning into hands. The apes all gaped in surprise as the wolf suddenly became a man. His dark hair covered some of his face and the wound was large. Blood ran down his naked form and he was curled up in pain.

'Get me a fur.' Blue Eyes demanded to an ape.


"Now!" He growls shocking his father.

The ape scrambled to get a fur from one of the horses and hand it to the Prince. Blue Eyes took it and draped it over the man's body. He flinched but says nothing, pulling the fur closer to him and panting in pain.

He looked up with this beautiful eyes and Blue Eyes felt his heart skip a beat.

'Bring me something to fix his wounds.' He signs.

The ape nodded and looked through the supplies they stole at the human zoo. All the while, Ceaser and the apes slowly gathered around the human creature thing.

"He is badly wounded son." Ceaser replies.

"He will make it." He says giving his father a sharp look before turning back to the male, who was now lying on his side breathing heavily against the ground as he bled out slowly. Blue Eyes worked quickly, wrapping his side and with the help of others, helping him into a horse.

"Son..." Blue Eyes turned to his father.

"We don't know what this thing is. You cannot take him."

"...It is your fault he is hurt. I'll help him, then I'll let him go." He says getting on the horse and riding forward with the other apes reluctantly following behind.

Your POV

You grunted as you slowly woke, feeling warmth around you. Your eyes slowly opened, seeing trees above you. Breathing deeply and sitting up slowly, you could smell that same smell from before.

You were a runaway, leaving your pack to live on your own when you caught the scent of something in your nostrils. It was like your instincts were more powerful than your mind, causing you to rush to the scent. But you found pain instead. A group of apes attacked you, but the one with the scent, the blue eyed one... he must have been the one to put you in the small fur nest. Thankfully they didn't take your necklace. It was hand carved from the tooth from your first kill, shaped like a wolf head. You gripped it as you slowly began to stand, testing the strength in your legs. They were wobbly but you would be fine. You stood from the nest of furs, gathering the fur around your waist and tying it off.

"Water." You spun around, seeing that same blue eyed male from before holding a small wooden bowl of water.

He was still and calm, slowly raising it to you as he stood still. You eyed him a moment before slowly inching closer, taking the bowl and sniffing it. Then, eyeing him again, drank the whole bowl slowly.

"Who are you?" He asks as you finish the water.

"(Y/n)... who are you?"

"Blue Eyes..." he answers and you huff.

"Seems a little obvious." You smirked. Blue Eyes smirked in return and nodded. Then he lost his smile and looked around.

"You should leave. My father. My people."

"Oh yeah, I don't want to stick around if this is how you greet people." You say touching the bandages.

Blue Eyes nodded and began to walk, you following, through the small forest path they found, walking until Blue Eyes stopped and pointed to the lower valley.

"There you will be safe." He says.

You slowly walked past him, looking at the beautiful vast green lands and smiled, nodding in thanks and starting down the small hill.

"...I hope I see you again." Blue Eyes says suddenly. You paused, looking back at him and smiled.

"Me too..." you replied with a smile, then looked down and took off your necklace, throwing it to him.

He caught it and looked it over with a smile. But when he looked back up to thank you, you were gone. He saw below a large wolf running away and smiled, holding the necklace to him.

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