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Ceaser x reader fluff

Ceaser was in another one of his broody moods again. As his mate you were concerned for him but couldn't do much when he became this way, it only made him worse. When he first met you, he had lost his wife Cornelia and was in mourning about it. You understood, giving the king space until he was ready to accept you into the clan even if you were human. After a while he finally began to grow closer to you and soon you were falling in love with the ape king.

Today was no different. He was in a terrible mood, what from shuffling none stop through the col winter to fight the human army to take back his people, finally trekking through the desert to their new home, then finally settling hundreds of apes into their new found sanctuary.

Today they were finally settled. The ape guards began to build a large perimeter around the grounds of the new home while the others helped rebuild small huts in the trees. You were helping as beat you could, tying ropes and lines together to make small bridges that connected some homes and reweaving baskets so the hunters can use them to gather fish and animals for food.

As you were weaving the basket, you saw Ceaser all but stomp by, huffing angrily. You cocked your head and stood, following your mate to your home as he paced within.

"Ceaser?" He turns to you and sighs heavily.

"Are you alright?" you ask carefully.

"I'm fine. Leave." he says curtly, surprising you.

"Are you sure? You don't sound alright. Maybe i can help you."

"I am fine!" he growls, glaring up at you.

"You are obviously not fine Ceaser. Your snapping at the children and being cruel to your friends." he scoffs and turns around, his shoulders hunched and tense. You bit your lip and twiddled your thumbs.

"You can tell me..."

"I don't need your help." he replied.

"Look Ceaser please just tell me what i can do to help you."

"I don't need your help!" he howled, causing you to jump.


"You could never understand. You are not an ape, you are not a leader. You are just a human you know nothing." you bit your lip as a sting hit your heart. He never said that before.

"I know more than you think Ceaser and if you just talk to me i can help you-" he growled, smacking some spears scattering them to the ground with a loud crash making you jump.

"You cant help me! Your just...useless!" he shouts.

"..." your eyes widened. Never had he called you useless before and it stung a lot more than you realized.

Ceaser froze, not knowing how he could have said that. But he said nothing to you, simply turned away from you, his shoulders hunched and shaking. You let out a pained breath and shook your head.

"Alright...i suppose I'll just...leave you to it." you mutter as you slowly made your way to the doorway. You blinked away the tears and turned your head to look at him but he still didn't turn around. Sighing, you walked out quickly.

When he heard you leave the hut, he whipped around and saw you gone. His shoulders sagged and he sighed, rubbing his face roughly as he cursed himself. How could he do that? You were more useful than you give yourself credit for and he knew that. The whole damn village knew it. He sighed deeply before dropping to the ground in a sitting position in front of the fire. He really did it this time.

That night as you sat high in a tree to avoid contact with anyone, you watched Ceaser marching through the village, straight to the entrance of the village and left. Head cocked, you climbed down to follow but stopped when you reached the ground. He was already angry with you, bugging him more may make him utterly furious. You sighed through your nose and turned back to the hut, heading inside and seeing made an even bigger mess after you left. You rolled up your sleeves and got to work in cleaning the hut.

Later that night as you were stoking the fire, you heard the door of the hut open slowly. You didn't have to turn around to know it was Ceaser, but you said nothing either as he sat beside you.

"(y/n)...I'm sorry." he says.

This time you did look at him. He was frowning, holding his hand behind his back as he glared at the fire. You sighed and shook your head as you turned to him fully.

"No I'm sorry. I know how stressed out you are lately and i pushed you. I didn't mean to." he looked surprised at you.

"No, you have nothing to be sorry for." he says sitting up on his knees and taking one of your hands, his other still behind his back. You raised an eyebrow at him and he smiled a little, pulling out a small bouquet of the most beautiful and colorful flowers you had ever seen. You gasped quietly and smiled, taking them and smelling the sweet scent they emitted.

"You are not useless. I should never have said it. The truth is i let my problems get in the way of what is really important. You." he says taking your chin and smiling down at you.

"Your the most helpful person i have ever known and you don't even realize how much you give to us without asking a thing in return. You are what this village needs. And...your what i need." he reaches up and takes your neck and face in his hands, inching closer and putting his forehead to yours. You sigh through unshed tears and grin up at him.

"You say such beautiful things." you whisper as your nose brushes his, rubbing your cheek against his own coarse fur, delighting in the sensation. His hands reached down and took your waist, pulling you up and leading you from the fire to the nest of furs.

"Am i forgiven my queen?" he asks as he laid down beside you.

"Let me show you." you smile as you reached up and kissed him, the flowers forgotten beside the nest.

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