𝐨. 𝐦𝐢𝐲𝐚 " i wish you were sober "

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𝗜 𝗪𝗜𝗦𝗛 𝗬𝗢𝗨 𝗪𝗘𝗥𝗘 𝗦𝗢𝗕𝗘𝗥 - 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙖𝙣 𝙜𝙧𝙖𝙮
— " kiss me in the seat of your rover. real sweet, but i wish you were sober "

You patiently waited at the counter of the bar for Osamu to arrive. He had texted you and asked you to meet him here since he wanted to drink with someone. And ofcourse, you being your good old Osamu-loving self, couldn't turn down his request.

'One martini please.' You ordered the bartender.

'Coming right up miss.'

'Hey (y/n), did you have to wait long?' Osamu flashed a smile as he appears from out of he crowd.

'No, not at all.' You tell him.

Osamu took a seat next to you and let out a sigh. You noticed his unusually distressed expression and began to wonder what had happened since he doesn't usually go out for drinks that often. 'Hey is everything okay?'

'Ugh, i had a fight with my girlfriend today. I told her that i had eyes on someone else and wanted to break it off instead of cheating.' He groaned, 'And now she won't stop bothering me.'

You've had a crush on Osamu ever since you met each other in middle school. You felt a flash of relief when he announced that he's breaking up with his girlfriend, but it also pained you when he said that he had eyes on someone else. 'At least you're not cheating on her.'

'Thanks, i guess.' He says as he takes a big gulp of the beer that he had ordered earlier.

'I'm gonna go to the toilet real quick.'


After coming back from the bathroom, you noticed an older female wearing extremely revealing clothes approaching your friend. From a distance you could see that she was offering him a glass of wine, and he was clearly drunk enough to accept a stranger's drink. You marched up to the pair and took the glass out of the lady's hand.

'Excuse me?' She growls at you.

'What the fuck do you think you're doing?' You snarled back.

'Can't you see that we're trying to bond here? And if you would leave us in-'

'He's my boyfriend, so i think you should leave.' You smiled sarcastically at her as she retreats back to her own table. You notice that Osamu was about to drink out of the glass and immediately snatched it out of his reach, 'You know this could've been spiked right?' You handed the glass to the bartender.

'S-spiked? We're not playing volleyball.' Osamu mumbles. You saw the red of his ear and face and realised that he was drunk on a whole new level.

'C'mon, lets get you home.' You reluctantly smiled at the boy who was dozing off.

After nearly getting squished by Osamu when you carried him to your car, you were finally able to put him inside and buckle up his seat belts for him. You hopped into the driver's seat and started the engine. '(Y/n)~' you turned to a drunk Osamu who was trying to grab a hold of your face with his hand, he successfully caught a hold of your face and brought you in closer to him. He presses his lips against yours. Your eyes go wide as he pulls away from you.

'Samu?' You blushed, 'Osamu-'

Osamu's head flops onto your right shoulder. He muttered something before dozing off and snoring softly. You felt thousands of pins and needles stabbing through your chest as you realise that he was just drunk and that kiss probably didn't mean anything.

I wish you were sober

You pulled up infront of his house and dragged him inside to put him to bed. Well actually, you just left him on his couch since his bedroom was upstairs and you didn't want to wake Atsumu up. You laid Osamu as softly as possible onto the couch and started to leave. You felt cold hands grabbing onto yours. Osamu pulls you down and you land perfectly on top of his body.
'Don't leave me.' He sobs and hugs you down tightly.

A big part of you didn't want to leave him alone, you wanted to say that you loved him and that you wanted to stay. But remembering the his kiss from before had made you change your mind. 'I'm sorry, Osamu.' You slowly untangle yourself and get up and out of the Miya's house.


samu the squid 😌💛

hey (y/n)
you free today?

yes why?

aight great i'll pick you up at 10

are you gonna tell me where we're going?

nope ;)

You hear the sound of someone honking the car horn infront of your house and went up to the window. You rolled your eyes as you see Osamu grinning and waving out the front of your house.

wait a second you idiot ):<
i'm not ready yet

yes yes princess


There was an awkward silence during the ride. You were pretty sure that Osamu had realised that he'd kissed you when he was drunk yesterday.

'So,' you started, 'where are we going?'

'Just wait.' He calmly says as he took a turn.

You saw a sign flash in the corner of your eyes, 'Outdoor cinema.' It said.

'Wh-why are we here.'

Osamu pulled over and unbuckled his seatbelt. He leans in for a kiss, you hesitate as you see him coming towards you but he puts his hand at the back of your head and gently guides you in until your lips met. His warm lips melted into yours, and all you could think right now was, so that kiss really meant something to him. His lip shifts into a smile which caused you both pull away from each other.

'Sorry for the wait.' He chuckles.

'Took you long enough.' You pinched his nose.

'And you know how i said that i've had my eyes on someone else for a really long time?'

'Its always been you.'

osamu's character lowkey doesn't match his real personality and i'm so sorry djckcncm

but aside from that i'm pretty happy with how it turned out

thanks for reading <3

— sienna ^

𝐭𝐢 𝐚𝐦𝐨 / 𝘩𝘲 𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘴 ( fin )Where stories live. Discover now