Chapter 3

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As Drisana gained consciousness, she was feeling a headache. Her whole body was burning. She slowly opened her eyes and tried to focus on her surroundings. There, a lady sat beside her with her concerned gaze fixated on her. As she looked around, some men in weird clothing were also there. It seemed she was in some kind of a tent. She closed and opened her eyes a few times trying to remember what happened.

The house.



'What the hell was that?' She thought. Then she noticed the woman and the men were saying something. She looked at them to understand, but it seemed they were talking in some foreign language. She again looked around in confusion. How did she land there? What exactly happened? Who were these people and what was that language? As a traveller, Drisana had encountered many languages and understood a few of them. But this didn't sound anything like those. What was happening with her?

(The italic words are not understood either by her or the pandavs)

"Putri, how are you feeling now?" Kunti asked. Drisana looked at her in confusion.

"Are you alright, Devi? Are you feeling pain?" Nakul asked her. Again she looked towards him with a frown.

"Why she's not saying anything?" Bheem asked frowning.

"Maybe she's afraid. Don't worry putri. You're safe now." Kunti said trying to assure the poor girl.

"She's not mute, is she?" Bheem said again and everyone looked at Drisana wondering the same.

Still not getting anything they said, Drisana decided to try her luck. Maybe these people knew her language. She asked tentatively,

"Where am I?" All looked at her and then at each other.

"She said something. That means she's not mute." Bheem said. Drisana looked at them hoping maybe they understood her, but they were looking more confused now.

"But what did she say? Which language is it?" Sahdev voiced the thought that was revolving in everyone's mind.

"Putri, what are you trying to say? We're not able to understand your words." Kunti asked her.


Seemed they also didn't get her. Feeling thirsty Drisana rasped,

Again the confused glances were thrown her way. Right, they were not understanding her words. Drisana lifted her hand in drinking motion and asked for water. This time though they didn't understand her words, they understood the motion. Kunti helped her in a sitting position and gave her water to drink. She again looked around at the people. Strange clothing, strange language, what was happening? Where had she landed and how?

"Where am I? And who are you all?" Drisana asked trying to communicate again.

"Devi, what is this language? We're not aware of this." Arjun said. Confusion and dread was spreading through Drisana fast.

"In which language are you talking?" She asked.

Again glancing at each other Yudhisthir decided to ask his anuj (younger brother), Sahdev.

"Do you know of this language Sahdev?"

"No, Jyesth. It doesn't sound like any language of Aryavart." Sahdev replied.

"I'm getting worried now. Where has this girl come from?" Arjun wondered.

Not knowing what to do, everyone was watching the girl carefully. Then Bheem decided to take matters to his hand.

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