Chapter 9

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It had been 13 days since the fateful night at Varanavat and they started their journey towards Matsya.

It became harder day by day. As they reached deeper into the forest barefoot. The little water they carried, had finished soon. Luckily they found a waterfall and restored. Bheem found some fruit trees and that lasted a few days. But now, hunger, exhaustion and thirst was getting impossible to ignore for Drisana and Kunti.

The Pandavs were tired too, but not as much as those two. Most of the times, Bheem carried Kunti in spite of her protests. Arjun and Nakul offered Drisana the same and she would have gladly accepted if not for her pride. Instead she found a stick to use as support. Kunti followed her soon after.

The forest had grown denser and impassable. Even at daytime, they could barely see the sky. It was hard to follow a path. Pandavs were worried about losing way. Bheem had to cut through trees few times to make way.

Kunti stumbled and would have fallen if not for Bheem. They decided to rest then. As they sat under a banyan tree, Bheem wanted to go in search of food and water.

"No, putra. This forest doesn't seem right to me. Don't leave alone. " Kunti protested.

"Don't worry, mata. I'll come back soon. Till then you get some rest." Bheem assured her.

"I'll also come with you." Sahdev said.

"No, anuj. You stay here." Refused Bheem.

"Take Sahdev with you Bheem." Yudhisthir said.

Bheem nodded and left with Sahdev. As they rested, it wasn't soon before Kunti and Drisana fell asleep. Arjun and Nakul followed after with Yudhisthir watching over them.

Bheem and Sahdev roamed around almost four miles before finding a lake. There were also some fruit trees around in this part of the forest. They washed themselves in the lake, drank some water and started to collect fruits from different trees when they heard a crying sound.

"Bhrata, have you heard that?" asked Sahdev looking at Bheem.

"Yes, Sahdev. Sounds like someone is crying." Bheem nodded.

"But who can that possibly be?" Sahdev wondered.

"Let's see." Saying so Bheem started to go to the direction of the sound with Sahdev following.

After coming a little distance, they found a woman sitting under a tree alone and crying softly. Bheem and Sahdev went to her.

"Who are you, devi? And why are you crying, sitting here alone?"asked Sahdev.

"My name is Kaalaka. Because of my dark skin, my husband left me in this forest alone saying that I'm a demoness and my place is with them only." The woman said crying miserably.

"How can he do this? You have no fault if god made your skin dark. I'll talk to your husband." Bheem said while Sahdev looked alarmed.

"Bhrata Bheem, you can talk later to her husband. Right now, we'll have to go back and leave this forest area immediately with everyone." Sahdev said to Bheem.

"Why?" Bheem asked confused.

"Haven't you heard her? Her husband left saying her place is with demons. That means there are demons in this part of the forest and their power increases after sunset. We'll have to leave this forest before sunset." Sahdev said hurriedly.

"You're right, Sahdev. We'll have to leave. But what about this devi? We can't leave her alone here." Bheem said getting his urgency.

"There are more humans?" Interrupted Kaalaka with curiosity.

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