Chapter 60

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Hello readers!

Okay. So I raised some questions in previous chapter and I'll try to answer them from my point of view. From my understanding, ramayan have many speculations and all draw different conclusions from that. Nothing is solid. It's about how you take it. So forgive me if mine's are wrong.

And I only opened the discussion to see if anyone will have the same thoughts as me. 😅😅😅

The Lakshman rekha and agnipariksha part is from saga valmiki's ramayan and the later part was not included in that but rather written in various versions. I described the exile part from my point of view.

One more thing, I know in Mahabharat probably no one will have these questions as Ramayan's misinterpretation and versions were written in Kaliyug. But I wanted to add it to counter the misinterpretation of today's Shishupal who keeps raising questions on women.


"A woman should never cross her limit, never forget her place and always be careful to protect her honour, otherwise what happens to that women, even Dravida's Maharani herself has firsthand experience of that." Shishupal said those in a clear and firm voice, so no one could misinterpret him.

Utter silence met Shishupal's statement. Everyone was too shocked to react for a moment. Standing in Dravida, standing in Maharani Mangalya's court, Shishupal just insulted her by referring to her humiliation at Kashi.

"Chedi Naresh!!!" Yuvrani Anandini's voice cut through the silence of the court as several gasps were heard from the crowd at their Maharani's insult. Even ever cool headed Anandini's utter calm and collected aura was broken by his audacity.

Maharani Mangalya showed a hand to stop her from saying anything. Screaming at him wasn't going to solve the issue at hand. He came here with the intention to insult the women court and he was confident no one would be able to answer him. He was deliberately instigating them. So weapons were drawn and her sons came downstairs at the courtroom to defend her. That would do two things. One, Dravida would be tainted that they insulted a guest and another the women court would become a laughing stock as everyone would say that the women needed protection of men to run the court. Not only that some would even go as far as saying Dravida had forgotten all righteousness by giving the reign at the women's hands.

Result? Dravida's reputation would be ruined and it would be marked as a philistine kingdom devoid of righteousness, honour and dignity. She glanced at the balcony only hoping her sons wouldn't come downstairs.

Maharaj Drishadvat held on the throne tightly to stop himself from moving. He was busy in calming himself when his sons were moving towards the stairs except Dwijendra and Daiwik who were also gritting their teeth hard with red eyes to control themselves. Maharaj Subahu felt ashamed as he was absent when his sister suffered and those were their family that subjected her to that. Yudhisthir looked at the moving Dravida Rajkumars, conflicted on what to do. He could also see the results of their presence in the courtroom. The rest of the Pandavs were seething in anger.

The Dravida Rajkumars were near the stairs about to start their descend when someone stopped their path.

"Move away Vasudev." Dheemant gritted out.

"Calm yourselves. Anger clouds our mind to see clearly." Krishna said calmly.

"What is there to see? He'll be the one to see now the result of pointing finger at our Mata." Dhikshit said angrily.

"Yes. He will see. But not the way you want. By going down, you'll get revenge for your Mata's insult indeed. But then what will happen to Renuka? Women like her will be insulted by thousands Shishupal out there." Krishna said grimly.

Journey to the Old Era (Drisana's Mahabharat #1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora