Chapter 8

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All of them were sitting at the bank of ganga.

After trekking through the tunnel for hours, it opened up at a dense forest. The emotional trauma and the trekking, made Kunti exhausted. Bheem carried her through the forest while the rest of them walked. Drisana was able to keep up the pace with Pandavs even though she was tired.

Now after hours of walking through the forest, they reached the bank of the river. After eating the fruits Drisana had packed earlier and freshening up a bit, they were resting before starting their journey again.

Yudhisthir thought about which direction they should go and what they should do now that they had to remain hidden. Also their mother and Drisana was with them. Even though he and his brothers were used to difficulties, they weren't. He had to make sure they were taken care of.

Bheem was still angry at the earlier happenings. It was one thing to attack him or his brothers, but this time their mother was involved. If it weren't for his mother's order, he wouldn't have let Duryodhan breath a second longer after he reached Hastinapur.

Arjun was thinking about how he and his brothers who were known as mighty warriors, became so helpless at the hands of Purochan. No doubt they wouldn't have let any harm fall upon their mata and somehow got out of the situation, but still for a moment, he was afraid for his mata and brothers. For the first time in life, Arjun had known real fear.

Nakul couldn't forget the moment when the two most important woman of his life were held with a weapon at their necks. One was his mother, who gave him life and another was Drisana with whom he wanted to spend his life. If anything would have happened to either of them, he wouldn't be able to forgive himself and continue.

Sahdev, as the youngest pandav, had always received the most, be it love or facilities. His brothers always tried to shield him as much as they could. Even Nakul acted protective towards him in spite of being his twin. Not that they excluded him on anything. Still it was an unwritten rule that as the youngest, he had to be spared from the troubles if it could be helped. He knew Duryodhan didn't liked them, he knew Maharaj Dhritarashtra loved his sons, he knew Pitamah was just. But what he didn't was, Duryodhan hated them so much that he would try to kill his brothers and mata, that Maharaj loved his sons more than justice and even though Pitamah loved them, his hands were bound by his righteousness. That his righteousness was not only his strength but weaknesses too.

Drisana was thinking of the time since she came in this yug. All the happenings and Krishnas words. She had selfishly only thought about herself. She thought of it as another one of her trips that would end soon and she'd be gone with some cherished memories. She never wanted herself to get involved in whatever happened ahead with the Pandavs and Kunti, only thinking she was stucked here and how Krishna left her. She wanted to keep herself aloof from their life. From the same people who saved hers. Who gave her shelter, looked after her when she was helpless and alone. She didn't feel helpless and alone because of them. But what would have happened if they let her be without help, what if they let her go when she wanted to find a way back home instead of following her around and saving her when she messed up things.

Then there was Krishnas words that she chose to ignore.

'Every questions answer lies within the question itself. '
Why Krishna didn't send her back or with him?
Because he wanted her to remain with the pandavs.

'There is nothing out of my knowledge '
Then he must have known what was going to happen and still let her stay with the pandavs.

'Yoh sab to etihas ka hissa hain or tumhe to etihas rachna hain'
The incident that happened earlier was nowhere in history and she had already changed a part of it. However small it was, It still wasn't supposed to happen.

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