Chapter 31

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You guessed it right finally.

"Wait!" The man hissed at Drisana as she was going to attack again. He removed the cloth wrapped around his face.

"Dhristyadym?" Drisana was confused seeing him there. He wasn't supposed to be there. "What are you doing here? You were supposed to be at Hastinapur right now."

"I was going there only. But I have a message for you." Dhristyadym said.

"What?" Drisana asked. Dhristyadym had been working as her eyes and ears at Hastinapur. As to how and why, that was another story.

"Gandharraj is coming back to Hastinapur for Vasantotsab. Duryodhan and his brothers are already there. The activities in Vrikasthala indicates it won't be long now." Dhristyadym informed her in a grim voice. Drisana nodded. Finally everything was falling into place.

"Are you sure about it? We shouldn't warn the Pandavs?" Dhristyadym asked her again. He couldn't understand why she didn't want to warn them.

"They are intelligent enough. We don't need to. As for Gandharraj, I've been waiting for his comeback for a long time. What about bhrata Karna?" Drisana inquired. The only thing she was worried about was Karna. The time frame was slight. She had to be precise.

"He is also coming." Dhristyadym replied.

"You didn't need to come here yourself." Drisana remarked. He could have sent someone else to inform her.

"I wanted to see you myself. Also I'll be hunted by a certain someone after going to Hastinapur. Why not give him a solid reason?" Dhristyadym said with a smirk.

"You shouldn't have sent that marriage proposal if you didn't wanted to be hunted." Drisana said irritated.

"Can't fault a man for trying out his luck, can you?" Dhristyadym said trying hard not to laugh. Drisana rolled her eyes.

"You should leave." She said and left him.

As she came back, Subhadra asked where she went. Drisana evaded her questions and after roaming around for sometimes, they all went back to the Palace.

In Hastinapur:

Yudhisthir stood at the balcony of his room looking at the night sky.

"You're late." He said. He didn't need to see to know his wife had finally come. It was their daily routine. No matter how much they were busy throughout the day, this time was reserved for just the two of them.

"Sorry. I was watching over the preparations one more time." Devika replied. As she stood beside him leaning towards him, she kept her head at his shoulder sighing in contentment. The whole world could go wrong, but she needed just this to feel at peace.

"You're taking too much tension. Everything is going to be fine." Yudhisthir said planting a kiss on her head.

"I just don't want to make any mistake. Jyesth Mata is so excited. After so long Mamashree is coming back. I don't want her to be disappointed with anything." Devika said. Gandhari needed no reason to taunt her more. Devika's presence was enough. She didn't want to spoil Maharani Gandhari's happiness over the festival. That's why she was being extra cautious.

"How's Mata?" Yudhisthir asked. He hadn't met her after this morning. Kunti's health was not well these days. Nakul and Sahdev remained beside her most of the times.

"She's much better now. Don't worry. She'll be absolutely fine in a few days." Devika replied.

"She shouldn't have returned from Dwarka in that bad weather." Yudhisthir said.

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