Chapter 24

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Maharaj Dhritarashtra was seated at his living room. A dasi came to inform him about the arrival of Rajkumar Duryodhan and Gandharraj Shakuni. After coming inside and seating down, they expressed their desire in front of him.

"Pitashree, I've thought about it. It'd be a good alliance. And also by this Vasudev will be on our side." Duryodhan said.

"Yes Maharaj. My son Duryodhan is absolutely right. You should send a message to Dwarka as soon as possible." Shakuni added.

"But that girl is not right. Haven't you seen her audacity in the Raj sabha? After all of that how can you think of this alliance? She's nothing but trouble." Dhritarashtra said.

"Maharaj, I agree she caused some trouble for us. But after this marriage she'll be on our side. She won't cause trouble then. In fact help us in making troubles. She's very valuable Maharaj. We should not waste her." Shakuni said to Dhritarashtra.

"Okay. I'll send a letter to Dwarka. But if Vasudev refuses?" Dhritarashtra asked after thinking a little.

"Doesn't matter. She's here and even if he refuses, we'll get them married. Chal se nehi to bal se hi sahi. (By hook or crook.)" Shakuni said smirking.

Duryodhan had been hell angry on that Yadavkanya after the Raj sabha. And his anger had risen when Vikarna expressed his desire to marry her. He was a little naive compared to his other brothers. Vikarna was impressed by her. Her wisdom and fire combined with her beauty had mesmerised him. Two days later the Raj sabha when Duryodhan caught his brother talking with her, he got to know his brother's wish. They had an argument regarding her. He was hell bent on his decision and then Mamashree Shakuni interrupted before that argument could turn into something ugly.

"Mere bache, think carefully. What Vikarna wishes for, is not such a bad idea. That girl is a nausea because she's against us. But if she gets on our side, she can be a valuable resource for us. Moreover, have you ever seen Vikarna being stubborn for anything? He has always been stuck on Dharma and his first Dharma is to listen to you. Even though he doesn't agree with your ways, he still has always been with you. But for the first time he's ready to go against you, for that girl. Don't lose him in your foolishness. Think of her as a toy. You're giving a toy to your brother to play with and in return gaining his unquestionable loyalty." Shakuni said making him see the reason.

"But we don't know anything about her except that Vasudev called her his sister. She's not even his real sister. And what if she has some ulterior motive behind coming here?" Duryodhan asked.

"Even though they're not related by blood, she's as good as his real sister, mere bache. These people make relations rather easily and their Dharma doesn't allow them to differ much. And as for her motive, I think Vasudev send her here only for the stunt she pulled at Raj sabha. Nevertheless, we'll keep a close eye on her. Let some time pass, then if everything is normal, we'll talk to Maharaj about the alliance." Shakuni replied. Duryodhan nodded agreeing with the plan.

And now after keeping an eye on her for these past months, they thought it safe to talk to Maharaj Dhritarashtra about Vikarna and Drisana's marriage.

Unknown to them someone else had heard their conversation. The person rushed towards the living area of Draupadi's chambers where Drisana sat with Devika and Draupadi. Kunti was also present. The person came inside and jerked Drisana into a standing position. Before anyone could understand anything, the person slapped her. Everyone was shocked. Drisana looked at the person standing in front of her fuming in rage.

"Maharani Gandhari?" She whispered confusingly. She knew Gandhari didn't like her especially after the Raj sabha episode, but what could possibly derive her to raise her hand?

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