Chapter 6

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Drisana successfully avoided lying while not telling the truth either. The pandavs seemed satisfied with her answers. Even Arjun too seemed pacified.

Kunti had already grown a soft spot for her since the moment she was brought in critical condition. But after hearing she had no one, Kunti assured her she and her sons were there and she was her putri now. Nakul was rather displeased with her declaration.

Yudhisthir was very interested in knowing the political inner works of her country which Drisana tried to explain as best as she could. He was impressed with the way women participated in it and was thinking of bringing
something like that in their system too. For the life of Drisana, she couldn't believe that this man with his calm posture and sense of justice was going to be the reason of Draupadis' humiliation.

On the third day after Krishna visited, Drisana made a mistake. She told Bheem about the varieties of food of her country. Though she wasn't a kitchen expert, due to travelling many countries and places, she watched what she ate because she accidentally didn't wanted to eat something weird. She knew the recipes and making process of varieties of food and telling that to Bheem had been a gravely mistake as now he hunted her and tried to drag her to the kitchen.

Arjun was now at ease with her too as she was Madhavs' behna. It seemed like he was the most easy-going and humorous among the bunch when he's not tensed. Drisana was really impressed with his archery skills as she watched him practicing. It was one thing to know he was the best, but watching him in his element was another. He really deserved the praises handed to him.

Sahdev was less talkative, but very knowledgeable. He told her a lot about aryavart, also wanted to know about her countries civilization and cultures. Now Drisana tried to tell him as much as she could without shocking the poor guy. With his help, she learned the map and also read a few books. Though she had no problem in understanding or speaking sanskrit, reading and writing was a bit tough. Sahdev helped her a lot in that. She had formed a bond with him. The duo teamed up to escape Bheem and tried to save each other.

Nakul. Now he was another matter. Though he tried to hide it, but from the continuous staring when she was near, the blushes (yes, that guy could blush), his soft smiles, gentle gaze and his gifts had given a clear indication towards his liking of her. He was a sweet gentleman and also the most handsome one of them. He also had a vast knowledge of medicine. He liked the nature and animals, often talking about them fondly. And he had also started finding unique things to gift her, like rare flowers, wooden carvings, beautiful stones, even found an earth pot with beautiful design on it. Poor guy even spent a good half day in the kitchen in an attempt to save her from Bheem. And yes, he still thought he was being subtle.

As for Drisana, the truth and depth of the situation had slowly sink into her. But how she managed to get herself here or why Krishna didn't send her back was still a mystery to her. What were the chances that a energy field was sitting around just for her? She was trying to think of a way to get back to her time. She thought to convince Krishna when he came back. Well, she convinced herself he'll be back of course. Till then she made herself comfortable with Kunti and the pandavs. Seeing no point in freaking herself or others. She'd always been fast at adjusting to new environments and people and that came in handy here.

After 14 days of arriving at Varanavat, the work of the palace was finished and she along with the pandavs and Rajmata kunti shifted to the palace. She almost felt sorry that it was a death trap designed to kill pandavs. It's architecture was beautifully done to lure anyone. She wasn't concerned even knowing it was made of lacquer as she knew pandavs and Kunti would survive and she would be long gone with Krishnas' help by that time. It had only been one month of their staying at the palace and the fire incident wasn't supposed to happen for another 11 months.

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