Chapter 14

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In Hastinapur :

Gangaputra Bhismeh was standing at the tower of Hastinapur Palace. He was looking at the magnificent view of the Hastinapur. His whole life had been devoted to the Thorne of Hastinapur. But he was still waiting for the right person to descend the throne.

Mahamantri Vidur came behind him.

"Parnipat, Tatshree." Vidur greeted him.

"Any news of Pandavs?" Bhismeh asked. Not long after the Varanavat incident, Vidur had informed him about his spectacles regarding it. He suspected Pandavs were alive and chose to remain hidden. He shared his suspicion and also the truth about Lakshgraha with Bhismeh only. Bhismeh had wanted to immediately confront Gandharraj and Duryodhan. But Vidur stopped him saying it was not the right time.

First of all, they had no way to prove that Duryodhan and Gandharraj was involved in the Lakshgraha conspiracy as the architect Purochan and all his men disappeared right after.

Second, the Pandavs being alive could not be confirmed without them being found and until that time Duryodhan was the heir to throne. If the news of him being the conspirator of Pandavs demise came out, it could create a rebellion among the Kingdom. The King's under Hastinapur's command, Ministers and subjects, none would take the news lightly.

Third and most importantly, Maharaj Dhritarashtra would never punish his son even if his crimes were proved. He might give some light punishment if pressurised and that would impact negatively at Hastinapur's justice system. The reputation of Hastinapur being the place where anyone was bound to get justice would be severely questioned and they would loss the faith of the subjects.

So, Bhismeh kept silent and started to wait for the Pandavs return. He questioned Vidur why Pandavs were choosing to remain hidden instead of coming to him and was only met with silence. He was hurt thinking his son's didn't trust him to do justice. Was he not with them when Bheem was attacked as a child? He made sure Pandavs and Kauravs would be treated equally, that Dhritarashtra wouldn't deprive Pandavs from their rights. He thought away from the luxury of the palace and Shakuni's clutches with the hardships of Gurukul, Duryodhan would change. He was a child too. But alas! He had been wrong.

He tried to stop Dhritarashtra from crowning Duryodhan as Yuvraj. But couldn't stop it as Gandharraj Shakuni made sure of it. Shakuni was also suspicious of Pandavs being alive. So, he wanted the crowning of Duryodhan as soon as possible.

"There has been news of killing a Rakshasa named Bakasura at Ekachakra. A Brahman family was supposed to feed the Rakshasa. At the time that Brahman was housing another Brahman family consisting of five brothers, their mother and two women. They left soon after the news spreaded." Bhismeh frowned as Vidur gave him the news. Were they really Pandavs? And if they were who was the another woman apart from the Yadavkanya?

"Find them soon Vidur. This seems too close." Bhismeh said.

In Anga:

Angraj Karna was giving donation after his morning prayer as usual while Duryodhan watched. He was proud to call Karna his friend not only because of his prowess at the battlefield but also his generosity amazed him. Karna came towards him with a smiling face and hugged him.

"How are you, Mitra?" Karna asked.

"Who has a friend like you, is always in bliss." Duryodhan said smiling.

"What brought you here? I thought you'd have left for Panchal by now." Karna asked knowing his friend intended to attend Draupadputri's swayamvar.

"Yes, I thought to take you with me on the way." Duryodhan said.

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