Chapter 32

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Drisana looked at Daiwik with a frown who was enthusiastically describing the beauty of Dravida to Subhadra. They were walking along the seashore of Dravida. It was a beautiful morning. So they thought to visit the seashore and the woods surrounding it. Krishna and Rukmini was ahead following behind Balaram, Dheemant and Dhritimat. Himani, Poornima, Shubhaprada and Revati were beside her.

Daiwik had been bewitched by Subhadra since she came here. And why not? With her high-spirited nature and eternal beauty, she caught everyone's attention when she was in a room. But she was meant for someone else, wasn't she? Drisana didn't want Daiwik to get a heartbreak.

From what she remembered, Subhadra fell in love with Arjun and was going to marry him. Even though the same events weren't going to follow, could her falling in love with Arjun change? Was she not going to marry Arjun? There was still a chance she might.
As for Arjun, he seemed devoted to Draupadi. She couldn't imagine him wanting anyone else. He could handle one wife barely let alone four. Draupadi kept him on his toes. So, would he fall for Subhadra? And if not then where would be Subhadra in these new turn of events?

Well, she needed to focus on her own love story first. As she saw the penguins waddling afar, she smiled. Though penguins seemed stupid and clumsy, they were rather intelligent. Her thoughts went to that night when Nakul came to meet her in Dravida for the first time.

"You shouldn't have done this. You said you'll take care of yourself for me. Is this how you were taking care of yourself?" Nakul scolded her as she was hiding her face in his chest.

"I'm sorry. But it's your fault too. Why weren't you here to take care of me?" Drisana said childishly, not lifting her head. Nakul smiled at that.

"Now that I'm here, I'll take care of you. And if you do such stupidity again, you'll get punishment." Nakul said.

"You won't leave me, will you?" Drisana asked lifting her head to look at him.

"No. Never. How can I leave my Hridaya?" He said wiping her tears. Drisana smiled for the first time and embraced him again. They stayed like that until they heard someone entering.

"Putri Drisana, where are you? Why is it so dark?" Drisana recognised her mother's voice. Drisana went inside hurriedly as Nakul remained in balcony, hidden from view.

"Mata, what are you doing here?" Drisana asked nervously. It wouldn't turn out good for Nakul if someone saw him.

"Can't I come to see my daughter?" Mangalya said looking at her daughter emotionally.

"It's not like that. You can come anytime to meet me. I meant it's quite late. You should be asleep by now." Drisana said.

"How can sleep come to me when my daughter is not well? You're sitting here in this darkness shedding tears in pain. You have lost your smile, your spark. I can't bear to see you like this, putri." Maharani Mangalya said with tears in her eyes. After so long she got her daughter back, only for her to lose her smile.

"I'm sorry mata. I didn't want to hurt you. Please forgive me." Drisana realised that her family was also hurting because of her. When we're in agony, we make others suffer too either intentionally or unintentionally.

"You don't need to apologise. I understand. You love him from the core of your heart. But putri, we love you too. We've just gotten you back. We don't want to lose you. And it hurts us to see you like this. Please don't be sad anymore." Mangalya tried to make her understand. This might not be easy but she had to forget him for her own good.

"Mata, I'll not hurt you anymore. Please don't take tension for me. I'll be fine. I just need some time." Drisana said to assure her. Now that Nakul was here, she could think with a clear head. Maharani Mangalya caressed her head a little and left after a while at Drisana's insistence. As she left Nakul came out from his hiding spot. Drisana drank into his sight again. He was standing before her after so long.

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