Chapter 38

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In Indraprasht:

Whole Indraprasht was decorated beautifully to welcome their Rajmata, Maharani and Rajkumari Draupadi. Pandavs were busy in preparations and in making sure their people wouldn't face any problem in settling there.

After the city was built, a large number of Brahmins, well versed in the Vedas and many merchants from various places came to live there. People skilled in various arts also came there to take up residence in the new city. The city had many gardens adorned with various kinds of trees. Various animals and birds came to the place because of the natural habitat created by the planting of trees. The city also had many artificial hillocks, lakes and other water bodies.

Everything was beautiful and peaceful, but there was no peace in Nakul's heart as he had not been able to contact Drisana in all those months. Every beauty, every facility, every progress seemed pale without her.

"What happened Rajkumar Nakul? Why is your face so pale? Are you not happy with Indraprasht?" Krishna asked him.

"Everything is fine." Nakul answered with a forced smile.

"How can everything be fine when he doesn't have his Hridaya with him?" Sahdev said teasingly earning a glare from Nakul.

"His who?" Bheem asked looking between them.

"His Hridaya bhrata Bheem. Drisana." Sahdev said as Nakul threw a pillow right at his face with Krishna, Arjun, Bheem and Yudhisthir chuckling.

"Bechare. Do hanso ke jode ko aab aur aalag rakhna uchit nehi hoga Dharmraj. Aap Dravida mein sandhi prastab ke saath saath vivah ka prastab vhi kyun nehi vhej dete? Dravida ke saath sandhi aur sammandh dono hi lavdayi hoga. (Poor souls. It won't be right to keep these love birds apart anymore, Dharmraj. Why don't you send marriage proposal with peace treaty to Dravida? Treaty and alliance with Dravida both will be valuable.)" Krishna said to Yudhisthir.

"But will they agree? I've tried to talk to them many times, they declined every time." Yudhisthir said with concern.

"At that time we were in Hastinapur. And they didn't wanted any connection with it. But now that we have settled here, maybe they'll agree." Arjun said hopefully.

"Yes, bhrata Yudhisthir. You just send the proposal, my behna will handle the rest." Krishna said smiling mischievously as Nakul turned red and the rest laughed.

In Hastinapur:

"What are you saying, Maharaj?" Kunti asked aghast.

Message was sent in Hastinapur for Kunti, Devika and Draupadi to come at Indraprasht. As Karna promised, he himself would take them to Indraprasht safely. Mahamahim Bhismeh also announced he was going to Indraprasht too. Earlier he didn't say anything as he didn't wanted Dhritarashtra to blackmail him by changing Yudhisthir's punishment. But now he had enough. He wasn't going to stay there anymore. With them large numbers of residence of Hastinapur also wanted to go to Indraprasht. They were preparing to leave when Maharaj Dhritarashtra stopped Kunti. Saying that Devika and Draupadi could go, but not Kunti. She was his late brothers wife and her place was at Hastinapur.

"Are you in your senses Dhritarashtra!!! Kunti is Pandavs mother. She has right to go to her sons. You can't stop her." Mahamahim Bhismeh said.

"You're right. But what about the duty of a daughter-in-law? This is a time of difficulty for us. She can't leave. That's my decision." Maharaj Dhritarashtra said firmly.

"What dificulty are you talking about? You have to let her go. Don't force my hand in this." Mahamahim Bhismeh said angrily.

"Have you become so blind in your love for Pandavs Tatshree that you don't see the difficulties? After Vrikasthala, our subjects are not happy with us, we've lost their trust. That's why so many people are ready to go to Indraprasht. Moreover, you're also leaving Hastinapur. There's a possibility of uprising, but you don't see any problems. If Kunti remains here, that'll be a sign to outsiders that even though Pandavs left Hastinapur, they're still with us. But if Kunti leaves, then what's there to stop them from attacking us. I understand a mother should not be separated from her sons, but I have to think of my Kingdom as a King. There's nothing more important than fulfilling Raj Dharma. You only taught me that Tatshree." Dhritarashtra said.

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