Chapter 5

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In Hastinapur Palace :

Gandharraj Shakuni was in the living area of his chambers. Standing beside the window, staring at the dark that had fallen with the end of the day, he thought about the upcoming events. Everything had to go according to his plan. He wouldn't let those pandavs return and take away his nephews rightful place.

Duryodhan entered looking at his Mamashree, he thought what was going inside that cunning man's head. He was greatful for his support as without him, he would be nothing more than that Yudhisthirs' servent.

"Mamashree, Purochan has sent message. Pandavs have reached Varanavat, but that idiot Purochan still hasn't finished the work of the palace." Duryodhan informed him with anger clear in his voice. He couldn't breath easily as long as the Pandavs stayed alive.

"Calm down, my son. Be patient. Purochan will do his work in due time. If we hurry, then we'll lose. We won't want to accidentally tip those Pandavs of our intention. Any other news? Everything is still going according to our plan, right?" Shakuni asked, still looking outside.

"Yes, Mamashree. Everything is at it's place. Now just the Pandavs demise remains." Duryodhan said with an evil glint in his eyes.
On a second thought he added, "Heard Pandavs and their mother has taken some mad girl with them to Varanavat."

For the first time Shakuni looked at Duryodhan.

"Mad girl?" Shakuni asked with a frown.

"Yes, Mamashree. Some girl who don't understand our tongue and keeps mumbling in strange language. The girl doesn't even know the simplest customs of ours. The Pandavs and Rajmata Kunti has grown quite protective of the girl. Whole Varanavat is talking about her." Duryodhan grimaced thinking about it. The Pandavs and Kunti didn't even know how to behave like royals. Royals didn't just picked mad girls with no caste and treated her as a guest.

"Interesting. I hope this mad girl doesn't become a hurdle in our plan. Tell Purochan to keep a close eye on her too along with the Pandavs." Shakuni said.

"That girl can do nothing. I don't think we need to worry about her." Duryodhan said not seeing any need for his Mamashree's concern.

"Do as I say my son. Kab konsi maya kaya hi palat de yeh koyi nahi janta. (What element plays which role and changes the game, no one can tell.)"

Duryodhan nodded. He knew better than to question Shakuni even though he thought it unnecessary.

In Varanavat :

Drisana was thinking about what Krishna said and was still skeptical about it as she followed him absent-mindedly. Was it really true? She was really in the Mahabharat era? In Dwapar yug? What exactly happend to her? But wait, Krishna never visited Pandavs during their stay in Varanavat, right? Then what was he doing here if this was really that time period? And if he was not telling the truth, then how was he able to speak in her tongue when no one else here could, how suddenly she was able to understand sanskrit and what about the strange behaviour and lifestyle of these people. Drisana was torn. Her instincts told her he was speaking the truth. But her mind disagreed. What the hell was going on and what to believe?

And if he was indeed right, then why did he not send her back to her time? What was that about her being in the right place? She had read about Mahabharat. This story had intrigued her too much. She had planned to visit the historical places and evidences that indicated to it's being actually occurred. The war that took the life of 1 billion, 660 million and 20,000 with only 240,165 of the heroes alive who took part in the war. This wasn't something she wanted to be a part of. In her opinion it was overrated and unnecessary. All these sacrifices and blah blah for what? The next 36 years before the Kaliyug started? It's not like the people in Kaliyug followed anything from these times apart from a few and most remembered it for the wrong reasons. Like the time when one of her friends lied to her parents to live with her boyfriend and said, "If you tell a lie for a good reason than it is better than 100 truths." Seriously? Well, it was her business that Drisana didn't wanted to interfere in. She believed in individual person, different choices.

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