Chapter 52

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Subhadra was still in the garden. Karna's parting words were ringing in her ears.

A little pampered Princess

Subhadra was indeed pampered and loved by everyone. She was born after her father Vasudeva was released from prison by her Bhrata Krishna. When she arrived, dark clouds had already been cleared. Subhadra therefore grew up in comfort as the princess, and escaped the travails that haunted her family before her birth.

But it didn't mean she was ungrateful or disrespectful and didn't understand the meaning of hardships. She knew to respect those. Was it a bad thing to grow up surrounded by love and care? Did it make her any less than others because she didn't face any difficulties? Then why Karna said it with so much disdain.

Subhadra was taught to express herself without hesitation. She said whatever she felt openly. Her Bhrata Krishna said suppressed emotions and questions always led to misunderstandings and disaster. Unexpressed emotions remained buried alive in our hearts and later came out in an uglier way. We might get hurt in confronting them for a short while, but suppression hurt us far more badly and longer.

So, She had expressed her feelings and every time he had rejected them. Subhadra didn't know why and how she fell for him. Then also, who could control feelings and plan them? Heart never listens to anyone, does it? Drisana had told her about his past. His wife and her death. Did he love her so much that there was no place for anyone else?

"Subhadre?" Krishna called her from behind. Subhadra quickly wiped the tear that had slipped free.

"Bhrata Krishna? You are here?" Subhadra asked.

"I should be the one asking this. Why are you sitting here alone?" Krishna asked sitting beside her.

"No particular reason. Just felt like sitting here for a while." Subhadra replied with a forced smile.

"Really? When a person sits alone without any reason, that means his mind and heart both are clouded." Krishna said.

"Nothing like that Bhrata." Subhadra said.

"Subhadre? What have I taught you? If you feel something, say it. Won't you tell your bhrata Krishna what troubles you?" Krishna said coaxing her to share her thoughts.

"Bhrata Krishna, I never faced any hardships. I always got what I wished for. You all love and care for me so much. Does that make me unworthy or unappreciable?" Subhadra asked finally after hesitating for a while.

"It's not hardships that make one appreciated. It's how they face it and what their morals are that presents their worth and brings appreciation for them. Yes, you never faced any hardships. But you have what it takes to face them, that too with smiles. Yes, you never faced any lacking. But you are always grateful for what you have. Yes, you always got what you wished for. But my Subhadre never asked for something inappropriate or what she didn't deserve. What we feel seeing someone in trouble is sympathy. What we feel seeing someone helping them is appreciation. So, no. You're not unworthy or unappreciable. And the one who thinks that is a hard headed idiot." Krishna replied and added the last part with his famous mischievous smile.

"If someone doesn't return our feelings, should we leave hope?" Subhadra asked again.

"Leave hope or him?" Krishna asked raising his one eyebrow. Subhadra looked away as her cheeks turned red. Krishna chuckled.

"Look at that plant." Krishna said pointing at the same dead plant he replanted days ago. It was flourishing. New leaves adorned the now healthy looking branches.
"If I left hope, then it would have never flourished again."

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