Chapter 30

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Five years later......

Whole Dravida was busy in the month long celebration of Vasantotsab and the welcoming of Krishna, Balaram, Revati, Rukmini and Subhadra. The Palace was beautifully decorated with fresh flowers, lamps and colours. Yuvrani Aanandini was running from one place to another to watch over the preparations. As she rushed into kitchen to see if the offerings that was going to be distributed after the Puja among everyone, was prepared yet or not, she stopped seeing none other than Rajkumari Priyala in the kitchen instructing dasis. It wasn't everyday she came to the kitchen, but when she did everyone remembered.

"Aanandini jiji, it's good you've arrived. I was watching over the making of prasad (offering). I was thinking I should make tulsi ki ladoo (basil sweets) also. What do you say?" Priyala asked excited to try her own recipe.

"No!" Shouted Aanandini. Then on a gentle voice added, "Priyala, there's not enough time to make something new. And also the amount of it has to be sufficient for everyone. As all the ministers and guests are coming with their families and also the common people will be there. You'll be tired if you try to make sweets for everyone."

"You're right. I'll make only for family members then." Priyala said smiling broadly.

"As you wish. Where's Poornima? I told her to watch over the preparations on the kitchen. How come you're here? And where's she?" Aanandini asked.

"I was done with my other works. So I thought to check the kitchen. As for Poornima jiji, she has gone to stitch bhrata Dheemant's dhoti." Priyala replied.

"Stitch dhoti?!?!" Aanandini was beyond confused. Why would she stitch dhoti?

"Yes. Actually what happened is, Himani jiji wanted bhrata Dheemant to wear yellow coloured dhoti and Poornima jiji green. Then Drisana gave them this solution to cut both dhoti's in half and stitch it together. So the stitched one will have both colours." Priyala said chuckling.

"Poor bhrata Dheemant! This must be the revenge for gifting Drisana frog in a box." Aanandini said.

This was nothing new. Dheemant and Drisana always kept pulling new pranks on each other.

Here, Drisana was running through the corridors of the Palace with a bunch of kids chasing after her.

"Bua, you can't run away this time. We'll surely catch you." Said Chitrali, the little devil of Aanandini. Drisana had put colours on them while making Rangoli. And now they were chasing her with colours in hand. As they were running behind her Dridhaksh came and Drisana hid behind him. The kids were looking dangerously at him.

"Look kids, I have just showered and wore these new clothes. So don't even -" before he could finish Satyen, Shubhaprada's three year old son who was sitting on the shoulder of his cousin Prathamesh, threw colour right at his face as Drisana signed him to do so. Drisana giggled as the kids started laughing at their Kakashree. Their laughter ended as Shubhaprada's voice rang out, calling the kids.

"You kids are still not ready. What will I do with you all? And Drisana you? Why are you not ready yet? You know they'll be coming anytime now. And we'll have to be prepared to welcome them. And bhrata Dridhaksh, I can understand Drisana. She always becomes kid with these devil's. But you also started playing with colours. Go now. How much will you all talk? Don't waste time now. Get ready first." Shubhaprada said and went with the kids to make them ready. Dridhaksh was staring at Drisana after they were gone.

"What? The kids threw colours at you. What's my fault?" Drisana asked innocently.

"I'll tell you later. But first I need to shower again." Dridhaksh went away saying so.

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