Chapter 55

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The way to get out of the cave wasn't so difficult to find surprisingly. As after the sealed door of the temple glided closed back, the darkness of the cave seemed receded. They found the light source soon and it led to a hole in the ceiling. When the three got out of the cave through the hole, they found themselves on one of the hollowed out areas of the mountain that they saw while going up. They remained silent as they followed the narrow pathway alongside the cliff back.

The guards and dasis waited patiently but worried, at the same place they left them. They started their journey back to the Palace then. Dridhaksh was giving pointed looks to Drisana and Nakul from time to time that both of them ignored. Drisana knew she couldn't ignore him forever. She had to handle him before reaching back to the Palace or he would blurt everything to everyone. Deciding to just get it over, she told everyone to wait while she took Dridhaksh a little far away to talk. Nakul was debating either to follow or not. Drisana signed him to wait.

"I'll tell you everything truthfully. But you'll have to trust me bhrata. Just like Nakul did." Drisana said and then told him everything what Dhristyadhym did and how he wanted to use her to get the Pasha. Dridhaksh was furious hearing everything that happened.

"How dare he? He sent you in a valet full of Pisacha and also tried to blackmail you. I won't spare him. And how can Rajkumar Nakul support you in this? He let you be in danger knowingly. Is this how he's going to take care of you?" Dridhaksh said in anger.

"Don't blame him. You know me. I wasn't going to stop. And he stood strong supporting me. He understands me, trusts me and he believes in me too. How can you say he didn't take care of me when he protected me at all times? Have you forgotten he saved our lives in the cave just a while ago?" Drisana asked in agitation.

"But I won't spare that Dhristyadhym. He'll answer for this. And how can you be so stupid Drisana? How can you promise him to get the Pasha? You think it's worth what he did for you?" Dridhaksh asked again.

"No. It's not. His payment is still due. And I had no idea there was Pisacha on that mountain. Otherwise I wouldn't put ourselves at risk like that. As for Dhristyadhym, I promised to get the Pasha, but when, how and at whom this will be used, will be decided by me only." Drisana said determinedly.

"What's going on in your head, Drisana?" Dridhaksh asked frowning.

"Dhristyadym just gave me a way to get rid of Bhrata Devajyot's curse." Drisana said with a slight smirk as Dridhaksh's eyes widened in shock.

"You mean -" Dridhaksh couldn't complete as words struck in his throat.

"Yes. You won't say anything to Dhristyadhym or anyone else. Think it like this Bhrata, we didn't get the Pasha for him but for our brothers." Drisana said grimly. Dridhaksh was unable to comprehend what Drisana was suggesting. He sat down on a tree branch as even standing seemed a big task.

"That's too risky. You think it's possible?" Dridhaksh gasped out finally in hope.

"I'll make it possible. Trust me bhrata. But I can't do it alone. I'll need your help. That's why I chose you specially to come with me." Drisana said holding his shoulder and assuring him through eyes.

"Drisana - How? Our brothers -" Dridhaksh was unable to form any thought. This curse had completely changed and devastated Devajyot. It loomed over them like a dark cloud, ready to pour down on them anytime. All of them, didn't even dare to remember that dreadful event.

"Trust me bhrata. I won't let anything happen to my family. Dhristyadhym unknowingly gave a golden opportunity to me and now I need your help to use it. Won't you support me?" Drisana asked softly, holding her hand palm out.

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