Chapter 11

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"What was the need to go in the Kitchen?" Nakul asked Drisana in an angry tone while applying medicine on her hand.

"I only wanted to help Devika jiji." Drisana said in a small voice.

"She's capable of doing it herself. Look what happened." Nakul reprimanded her.

In the past eight months a lot had changed. After Devika was freed, they stayed three more weeks with Ganjupal's family before heading towards Trigarta. They continued their journey from Trigarta to Kichakas after a few months of staying at a old hut repaired by the brothers. During this time, Drisana learned a lot along with the Pandavs. They were reciting and discussing the Vedas and other works on morals and politics that they had learnt. Drisana expressed her desire to learn sword fighting and Nakul gladly obliged by making wooden swords to practice. Drisana frowned seeing that but Nakul was unfaltering saying he wouldn't take the risk of her accidentally getting hurt.

One more thing was discovered by all of them. That was Drisana and kitchen hated each other. In those months, Drisana went to kitchen five times in total. First time, she somehow started a fire. Second time, she cut her hand while cutting vegetables. Third time, She burned her feet by spilling hot water. Fourth time, she was trying to lite the fire on the clay stove and ended up coughing badly with a red face. Fifth time, she successfully made a orange substance that she called kheer. After tasting Bheem banned her from stepping foot into the kitchen and thanked her for making excuses to avoid kitchen when they were in Varanavat. He understood that though she had theoretical knowledge, she was horrible when it came to practical. Arjun gave a pitiful look at Nakul saying,

"Bhooka maroge tum anuj. (You'll die of hunger brother.)"

And this time Drisana wanted to help Devika in the kitchen and ended up by burning her hand while checking the sabji (vegetables).

As Drisana watched Nakul fussing over her, she admitted to herself, in spite of her best attempts, she had absolutely hopelessly fallen for Nakul. He made it impossible not to. It was easy to love when the situation was in control, but dificult when hard times arrived. Nakul never stopped caring for her as much as he could. Be it making wooden sandals for his Mata, Drisana and Devika after Drisana's feet swelled getting pierced by a thorn. Be it making crown of flowers just to make her smile after a particular hard day. Be it saving her from a snake that sneaked beside her unnoticed. Be it making a satchel from tree bark so she could carry things easily. Be it making a craving of sandalwood to gift her. Be it taking her for a walk at nights when she couldn't sleep. Be it finding her favourite fruit when she couldn't eat. She never said anything to anyone not wanting to bother them. Tried to hide her difficulties in fact. But he was there. He had always been there for her. Watching her, caring for her, loving her. If there ever had been any question about his love for her, there wasn't anymore. She had learned to read his eyes. She knew Nakul didn't only like but love her. But he never made her uncomfortable with his feelings. Never tried to force her either to talk or acknowledge him. Never expressed his feelings in words for which she was glad. She didn't know what to do with these feelings. Not his nor hers.

Nakul didn't like it when Drisana got hurt. It pained him more than anything. At first when Drisana came into their lives, he was intrigued by her. Then when he understood her calm approach to everything, he praised her. When he saw how intelligent and knowledgeable she was, he was amazed. When he became aware of her caring nature, he had been pleased. When he saw how brave she was, he was proud. When he understood her morals and dharm, he wanted to adapt. When he watched her suffer silently, he needed relief for her. When she was in danger, his breath left him. When she didn't care for herself, he wanted to scold her, wanted the right to care for her.

When Sahdev asked him what made him fall in love with her. There hadn't been an answer. All those things were not reason for loving her rather those were the effects of loving her. He felt for her since the moment he saw her lying unconscious fighting for her life. At that moment he didn't knew what he was feeling or the severity of his feelings. That whole night was spent with a lodge formed at his throat, praying for her wellbeing. The next morning after she got consciousness, only he breathed easier. He couldn't understand what his feelings were, why he felt like his soul was connected to hers and he was afraid and confused of it at first. But as the days past, he accepted it. He accepted there wasn't any reason for it. That he loved her without any reason.

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