Chapter 20

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The Pandavs stood at the entrance of Hastinapur with Kunti, Devika, Draupadi and Drisana. Everyone was going through different thoughts and emotions.

The Pandavs thought about what type of welcoming they'd receive from Maharaj Dhritarashtra. They were no fools. Though their Tatshree loved them, he loved his sons more. Pitamah Bhismeh would be hurt as Pandavs had remained hidden for so long. Kakashree Vidur knew what happened at Varanavat, but he wouldn't be able to help much.

Kunti stood before the entrance remembering the other two times when she'd been here. First time when she married Maharaj Pandu and left after sometime when he was cursed. The second time had been when after his demise she returned with her sons. And now the third time when her sons had returned after being attempted to murder by Duryodhan. She was tensed thinking about what the upcoming time might held for them.

Draupadi's nervousness was nothing more than the jitters of a new bride. Though she knew Pandavs were returning after a long time and was not in good terms with their cousins, she didn't know the extent of it.

Devika was anxious the most though no one could tell apart from Yudhisthir. She was a mere dasi, a Sootputri who was coming at Hastinapur as the wife of the Yuvraj. She didn't doubt her family nor was she insecure about her position in Yudhisthirs' life. It would be an insult to her family and Yudhisthir if she thought herself any less than the rest of them. And Yudhisthir had specifically made sure such things not occur to her. But she knew not everyone was going to be receptive of her and her position as Yuvraj's wife.

Drisana was relaxed. After her talk with Krishna, she knew they were not going to Indraprasht so soon. And also there were slight reason for it. That Duryodhan and Shakuni mamu must had made some special arrangements for them. What? That remained to be seen. No point in worrying now, was there?
Earlier, Yudhisthir had warned Nakul and gently told her to stop their night trips and to limit their interactions taking them at a side. Because he didn't want anyone to point fingers at her and the 'crows' would be alert for a piece, any piece. She wouldn't have believed if anyone else told her about Yudhisthir calling Kauravs 'crows', but he did. Nothing escaped that man. He just chose to keep silent when he wished to.

Soon they were at the Palace gates. The whole Royal family of Hastinapur was present there. And why not? Afterall the Pandavs whose funeral had been done, had risen from ashes. It wasn't so hard to tell who was whom. Maharaj Dhritarashtra and Maharani Gandhari was in the middle. At Maharaj's right side stood an aged man. His aura of power declared it could be no other than Mahamahim Bhismeh. At his side stood Mahamantri Vidur with sharp eyes and a smile in face. On the left side of Maharani Gandhari stood a strong build young man with cruelty and displeasure written all over his face, undoubtedly Duryodhan. Beside and behind him were a lot of young men with similar expressions of displeasure. But the significant two among them Gandharraj Shakuni and Dussasan were immediately beside him. Gandharraj Shakuni with his slight build stood up as a sore thumb between his nephews while Dussasan was openly glaring at Pandavs.

The Pandavs and Kunti were greeted by everyone as the three waited. Drisana was behind Devika and Draupadi watching everything without anyone noticing her. Mahamahim Bhismeh and Mahamantri Vidur enveloped them in hugs. Maharani Gandhari also embraced Mata Kunti. After the initial greetings were over, Mata Kunti introduced her daughter-in-laws. They already knew about Draupadi, but Devika was a surprise for some of them.

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