Chapter 29

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Drisana was laying down on the floor of her bedroom staring at the ceiling. Her pain was slipping free in the form of tears from her eyes, but the pain in her heart wasn't lessening even a bit. She closed her eyes remembering what took place a few days ago.

Being frustrated from not getting any news from Hastinapur, she decided to confront her Jyesth Dwijendra. She knew there was no way Nakul would remain silent for so long. There must had been some news, some message, something, anything but this silence. So, the question was why she hadn't heard about it. She went to the discussion room where Dwijendra was. As she came inside, he greeted her with a smile.

"What's going on, Jyesth?" Drisana asked after greeting him.

"What? What are you talking about?" Dwijendra asked.

"Don't tell me there hasn't been any news from Hastinapur. So tell me why I've not heard anything about it?" Drisana asked not beating around the bush. She had tried that with others before. No one answered her.

"You don't need to worry about that. We're here to handle it." Dwijendra said smiling at her.

"But I do worry because no one's giving me a straight answer. And what's there to handle Jyesth?" She asked frustrated.

"Drisana you're where you should be. With your family. You have no place in Hastinapur. It's better to just forget about Hastinapur and it's people." Dwijendra said casually.

"How can I forget Hastinapur? Yes, I'm with my family. But I've a family there too. Mata Kunti who accepted me as her daughter, Jyesth bhrata Yudhisthir, bhrata Bheem, bhrata Arjun, Nakul, Sahdev who protected me, stood with me at my distress. Devika jiji, Draupadi jiji who love me like a sister. How can I forget all of them? And why are you even suggesting that in the first place?" Drisana said wondering what was going on. Why did they want her to serve all ties with Hastinapur? She suspected it would take time to contact with Pandavs. Her family probably wanted her to spend more times with them. But she never thought they would forbid her to contact with Hastinapur's people.

"Rajkumar Nakul? I can understand your attachment with the others. But what about him? Who is he to you, Drisana?" Dwijendra asked staring at her.

"You know." Drisana stated after a while. She understood what this was. They knew about her and Nakul and they didn't approve. Too bad she wasn't going to take anyone's approval.

"Yes. All of us do. And it's Pitashree's decision that we brothers agree with. If you only wanted to meet them and ask about their well-being, there was no problem in that. But you want to be a part of them and that's not possible, behna." Dwijendra said. His voice gentle but firm too.

"Why not? Don't you think it's my decision to take?" Drisana asked with a blank face.

"Yes, it is. And it'll be. We will never force you to marry someone you don't want to. But you'll also need our blessings." Dwijendra said. What he meant was, they would let her choose the groom of their choice.

"What if I refuse to accept it?" Drisana asked sharply.

"We only want what's best -" Dwijendra started to say looking away from her but she interrupted.

"What if I refuse, jyesth?" Drisana asked again. Dwijendra looked at her. She was not going to back down so easily. He hated to do this.

"What other options do you have? Let's consider. Say by refusing you manage to return to Hastinapur, what then? Dravida will be humiliated by your that action. Do you want our father's head bowed? Do you want people to point at him and say that he's the King whose daughter has run away to her lover? Let's forget that. Will Rajkumar Nakul accept you if you go to him without our permission? Even if he does, Yuvraj Yudhisthir won't. He is a man who follows Dharma. And Dharma says a girl is her father's responsibility and he should be the one to find a suitable groom for his daughter. Yuvraj Yudhisthir won't let his brother marry you without our permission. And if Rajkumar Nakul goes against his brother, will you be able to live with being the reason of dispute among the brothers? Rajmata Kunti who loves you so much, will her love remain the same knowing because of you her son's are arguing? And those, who questioned your character before, they'll congratulate you for proving them right because they won't be the only one pointing fingers anymore." Dwijendra finished.

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