Chapter 62

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Dheemant's two sons were seated at Dridhaksh's lap. Their three bald heads glowed in the light of the lamps.

"If anyone laughs, no one will be worse than me." Maharani Mangalya threatened as she saw Dhritimat, Daiwik and Drisana struggling to control themselves. Even Maharaj Drishadvat was having a hard time while Himani and Poornima stood glaring at an innocent looking Dheemant. Himani and Poornima had come straight to complain to their mother-in-law that her son had shaved their sons head. Drisana, Dhritimat and Daiwik simply joined them for entertainment while Dridhaksh got summoned. In Dheemant's words, it was Dridhaksh's fault as he told his nephews, hair felt heavy on his head, so he had shaved his head and in an attempt to copy their Kakashree both wanted to shave theirs.

"And so you simply shaved their heads because they requested you to, right? I know you better Dheemant. How could you? Why don't you say something to your son, Arya?" Maharani Mangalya said angrily.

"Yes. I will say. Dheemant!!! How can you do that? What father do something like this to his sons?" Maharaj Drishadvat shouted in fake anger. His children's eyebrows arched hearing him.

"I know one more father who did something like this. Remember when Daiwik was -" Dheemant started to say but stopped when Maharaj Drishadvat gave a warning cough glancing at Maharani Mangalya.

"I understand. All of this is your fault. Except Dwijendra and Devyajot, the rest five has gone simply like you. Especially this Dheemant." Maharani Mangalya said.

"What's my fault in it, Priye?" Maharaj Drishadvat asked sweetly.

"What's my fault in it, Mata?" Dridhaksh followed his father's example.

"Your fault is that they only learned all this from you." Maharani Mangalya said looking at Maharaj Drishadvat and then turning to Dridhaksh said, "And you? What was the need to shave your head? What was the need to place that bet?"

"That's bhrata Dheemant's fault only. He only pushed me into the hole." Dridhaksh said pointing at Dheemant.

"Yes. All is his fault. Because of him hair is floating in my hole - whole room." Drisana said supporting Dridhaksh.

"No need to worry. Somedays more. Then you won't be in that room anymore." Dheemant said nonchalant. Drisana's face turned gloomy along with everyone else's.

Just some more days. Than she wouldn't be in that room, in this Palace or Dravida. She wouldn't be with her family anymore. She would gain a new one losing this. Drisana's heart sank thinking about it. In the past years, she had felt like she was home for the first time in her life. Even though when she was with Pandavs and Kunti, they roamed from place to place and later at Hastinapur, she was a guest. She loved them, but there was something missing. She didn't have any claim on anyone or anything. Not really. Here, she found everything that was missing, everything that she didn't know she yearned for, everything that she had been searching for years. She found herself.

And now she would have to leave all of it behind. Nothing would remain the same. When she counted the years she stayed apart from Nakul, it seemed so long. But when she counted the days she stayed with her family, it seemed so little. It wasn't Kaliyug where you were a call away from people. It wasn't the time where you could just buy a ticket and be with your family whenever you wanted. Here, after marriage, girls didn't get to see or hear from their families for years. On occasions they couldn't simply take a trip to their homes for greetings. They had to fulfil the responsibilities of their in-laws forgetting the carefree life of their maternal home. Even though she would be surrounded by love and care, she would miss her this family terribly.

"That room is my daughters and it always will be. She will be in that room whenever she wants to be." Maharaj Drishadvat said wrapping his hand around her shoulder. Drisana only smiled slightly with glistened eyes and hugged him.

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