💖💖💖 Special Shot 💖💖💖

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Hello readers!!!

I have reached 50th Chapter. I can't believe it.

Thank you all so much for giving so much love to this book. Specially the way you all accepted the Dravida concept. I was worried how a whole new Kingdom will fit into the story.

But your support and the love you showed touched my heart. 💖💖💖

Thank you, Thank you so much.

Now I was wondering what special to do to celebrate the half century and Aadya_the_wordsmith gave me the perfect idea....

So the credit for this special chapter goes to

Aadya_the_wordsmith ❤❤❤❤❤

P.s. I started with mother-daughter bond instead of brother-sister.


Almost one year after Drisana came to Dravida...

"Mata? You're still here?" Drisana asked, surprised by her mother's presence in her room. Her head was still in her Mata's lap as she caressed her hair.

Last night she was remembering Nakul and was unable to hold her tears. She was silently shedding tears sitting in her room when Maharani Mangalya came to her.

"Putri, look what I have got for you." Mangalya said with excitement. Drisana quickly wiped her tears and turned with a smile.

"Yes, Mata? What have you got for me?" Drisana asked.

"I've got Jasmine oil for you." Mangalya said smiling at her.

"Oil?" Drisana asked giving a chuckle.

"Yes. Oil. Now come here and sit. I'll apply it on your hair with my own hands." Mangalya ordered her daughter sitting on the couch. Drisana sat in front of her shaking her head in amusement.

"You know putri, I always wanted a daughter to pamper. Sons are dearest to mothers too. But daughters are the most treasured gift god gives. If sons are pride, daughters are self-respect." Mangalya said with a affectionate voice applying oil in her daughter's head.
"When I was pregnant with you, I dreamed a lot. I thought I'll live my childhood in yours again. I'll become your first friend, your first teacher. I'll doll you up like a little angel. I will select your clothes, apply oil in your hair, I'll play with you. When you'll take your first step, I'll walk with you. When your steps wobbled, I'll hold you. When you say your first word, I'll hear you call me Maa. When you start running, I'll chase you in the whole Palace. When you try to hide, I'll recognise you from the sound of your anklets. I thought I'll teach you to play veena and we both will play together. When you'll do some mischief, I'll scold you and get angry and then you'll hug me and give me kiss on cheeks until my anger recedes. Also when you'll get angry on me, I'll make your favourite foods myself and feed you with my own hands. I'll tell you stories, I'll caress your head and sing for you until you fall asleep." Mangalya's throat was heavy with emotions as she described her unfulfilled dreams that she saw when she held her little baby girl in her arms.

Drisana's eyes also got teary. She had enjoyed all of these with her mother in Kaliyug. But here a mother lost all her hopes with her daughter. God was graceful to her. That's why even losing one mother, she got another who loved her with all her heart. Her heart ached for both her mothers. It was conflicting. If she hadn't gone to Kaliyug, her this mother wouldn't have suffered and she would have gotten all the love of her and this family. But if she hadn't gone, she wouldn't get to know her adoptive parents. She would never have all the cherished memories that made her strong, taught her to love, to respect, to live. She turned on her Mata's hold to see a tear slipping free.

Journey to the Old Era (Drisana's Mahabharat #1)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن