Chapter 33

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Drisana sat alone at the seashore, looking at the setting sun. The gentle breeze soothed her raging thoughts. Even knowing there was danger, she didn't aware Pandavs of it. She knew what was going to follow at Vrikasthala. Nakul was going to be at the middle of it. She trusted on his skills. He was a seasoned warrior. But still there was a restlessness in her that refused to go away.

"Mata must be looking for you." Rajkumar Dridhaksh said from behind.

"I will leave after sometimes. What are you doing, bhrata?" Drisana asked.

"Just watching out for you." Dridhaksh said. He knew what she was asking. He had known for a long time that Drisana contacted Rajkumar Nakul. And he remained silent because Drisana cared for him and Dridhaksh didn't want her to turn into a zombie again. He was impressed by Nakul though. Using penguins and sending letters by water was unexpected. They had kept eyes in the sky while he used water.

"Thank you for trusting me." Drisana said looking at her brother.

"You don't need to thank. You're our sister and we all care for you. I hope you know what you're doing Drisana." Dridhaksh said. Drisana nodded after a while.

Drisana had been determined to get answers from Krishna when she went to Dwarka. Why didn't he help her? Why he didn't want her to go to Hastinapur? He was the one who wanted her to remain with Pandavs at the first place. So why was he silent when she was being separated from them? Everyone greeted her warmly when she reached there. Balaram was there to introduce her. But she didn't see Krishna anywhere. Finally after two days, Krishna returned from wherever he had been and came to meet her.

"What a surprise, behna! Seems you missed me too much." Krishna said smiling at her.

"You know I did. But the question is why didn't you?" Drisana asked.

"Seems like someone finally seek me out for answers." Krishna said.

"Why? Why didn't you help Jyesth Yudhisthir? Why didn't you solved the matter between Dravida and Hastinapur? Why I'm being separated from Nakul? Why?" Drisana asked furiously, impatient to get answers.

"Calm down, behna. Anger reduces our capability to think. You seem to lose your cool when it comes to Rajkumar Nakul. You need to learn patience and that needs time." Krishna said.

"I don't know anything. If you don't help me, I will run away with Nakul." Drisana said angrily as her eyes turned teary.

"And then what? Let me tell you. Duryodhan is ready to strike and you'll give him the perfect opportunity. He'll kill you both and then Hastinapur and Dravida will be at war. Your brothers and Pandavs will kill each other and Duryodhan will be crowned King. Is that what you want?" Krishna asked her.

"Then what should I do? Pitashree won't let me go back to Hastinapur and you're not helping either. Why???" She shouted, her tears slipping free. Krishna kept a hand in her shoulder to steady her.

"Because this is not the right time. Your family is right in their assumption. Duryodhan's full focus is on you right now and Gandharraj is not there to knock sense into him. Even as we speak he is sending assassins to kill you and as soon as you reach Dravida, there's going to be an attack. Either you return to Hastinapur or run away with Nakul, both of you will die and there'll be war between the two kingdoms. The only way to prevent your death and war is to bide time." Krishna said in a grim voice.

"What's the solution?" Drisana asked again after composing herself. She was finally understanding the whole picture as the clouded emotions started to clear.

"You know it." Krishna said as he stared at her.

"Indraprasht." Drisana sighed. She would have to wait for the establishment of Indraprasht.

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