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"Don't mind me, Mister or Miss creature, I'm just some human who does not want to be your meal tonight, thank you next," you managed to say, trying to plead for your life in the position you were now in, horrified.

"Y/N!" Taehyung rushed to you, pushed you into the tent, zipping it up in a flash then transformed into his fox form and pushed the other fox away with all his strength.

When they both made eye contact. He noticed that it looked like the same replica as him in its form but something was off. It had eyes that were more blood red with sparks of gold that could spark when the moonlight shone on his eyes when reflected. The most oddest of all, its fur was black. He had never seen a gumiho with black fur even if it was an average gumiho who was once human who was turned into a gumiho during their current life or next life, it would always, always have white or rare reddish brown fur.

As gumihos of the same kind were able to link brains with their own kinds, he tried to link his mind with his as they still held eye contact.

"What are you?" Taehyung asked as he tried to connect the link with this creature.

"Help... me..." it answered, sounding as if it was suffering.

Right at that moment it turned its head to face the tent you were now in and rushed towards it. It ran more faster than Taehyung and ripped through the tent where you sat against the back of the tent, now staring face to face with it once again.

"Haha... hello again sir or ma'am. Umm, if you're looking for your next meal, this isn't your destination, please continue to make your way, thank you." You managed to speak your words out which sounded more like a whimper instead.

When it launches itself in your direction, you quickly ducked down flat on the floor of the tent, making the creature leap through the tent, ripping it. It doesn't come back for you but continues to run away before Taehyung could manage to catch up with it. It was now out of sight.

When Taehyung comes back now in front of you, still in his fox form, you both just stared at each other in silence.

"Weak." You stuck your tongue out, playfully.

He growled in his fox tone, making you jump back a little, startled.

𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 || Kim Taehyung x Reader ✔Where stories live. Discover now