chapter: twenty three

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"Woo!" Naomi yells as we were walking down the sidewalk towards the bar. I saw Eli shush her and I shook my head then smiled as I was following behind them with my hands in my pockets since it was cold.

When we walked in the bar, it was more crowded than usual. There were more people and the whole bar counter was crowded as everyone were sitting on the stools, standing up or hovering over other people as they were at the counter.

"Damn." Eli said as we made our way through everyone before coming to a booth that was unoccupied. "I'm surprised that we found a place to sit."

Naomi looks around as we all sat down. "Yeah, this place is crazy."

I look around then saw River at the counter and smiled. I wanted to go up there to see her but there were way too many people up there that my anxiety couldn't handle that shit.

"I would go grab a drink but damn." Naomi said as she looks towards the counter. She looks back at me and smiles. "You want to take the line of duty and go through that?"

"Eh." I look at the counter then back at her. "My anxiety couldn't handle that. I'll wait."

She chuckles then looks over at Eli and starts talking to him. I kept my eyes on River as she, and that other bartender was walking around taking people's orders.

Looking around, this place was crazy and I could feel the heat from everyone around. It was a little too much.

"I need to use the bathroom." Naomi said then got up and walked through the crowds of people.

Eli looks at me and smiles. "What's up?"

"What do you mean?" I ask.

He shrugs as he looks at me. "It seems like we never really talk or see each other."

I gave him a confused look. "Dude, we've been seeing each other every time we go out with Naomi."

"I meant at the house."

Nodding, I look around for a moment. "Gotcha. Well, you have work and a girlfriend now."

"True." He looks at me and smiles. "So have you talked to River any?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like had a conversation with her? Hung out?"

"No?" I question. "Why would I? I don't even know her."

He smiles then looks around. "Yeah but you like her."

Rolling my eyes, I look around before looking over at the counter and seeing River. I kept looking at her until I heard Eli chuckling, which made me look over at him.

"You're staring at her."

"I'm looking at everyone."

He raised an eyebrow before Naomi came back and sat down. "That was intense."

"What happened?" He wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

She sighs. "Well for one, too many people around and I had to fight my way through to get to the bathroom. Two, the bathroom spelled like perfume and I almost died walking in there."

Eli chuckles as he looks at her. "I thought girls loved the spell of perfume?"

"Yeah but not a shit load of it. It's hazardous."

I laugh at that which made Naomi smile over at me. She looks around before looking back at me. "The counter is a little more clear."

Looking over at it, I noticed that there wasn't a big crowd anymore and my eyes landed on River, who was standing up there pouring a drink. I sighed then grabbed the money Naomi gave me.

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