chapter: thirty one

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"There she is." Micah smiled as I walked inside the house as she held the door open for me. Once she shut it, she looks at me then smiles as I followed her into the living room. "When you said you wanted to come over, I didn't think you meant right this second."

We sat on the couch and I leaned back then sighed until I looked over at her. "Yeah. I wanted to come see you and.. talk." I look around. "Where's Cameron?"

"Shopping. Brailynn is down the street at a friends."

I nodded as I look down at the floor for a moment before looking around the living room. I noticed there was a few pictures of them hanging on the walls and it was scattered perfectly.

"So, what's up?"

I sigh. "I told you I wanted to talk to you.. earlier." She nods as I look at her. "And yeah."

"Ok. About what?"

Running my hand over the couch, I look over at her as she was watching me. "What you said about Cameron at the party.. about how you met and the bad vibes you were getting from her." She nods as I look away.

"There's this woman that I met a month ago.. and every time I'm near her, I get this bad vibe towards her. I don't know what it is."

"Explain the vibe."

Sighing, I look down at the floor then shrugged. "Like there's something about her that it telling me to stay away from her."

Micah nods when I look over at her. "That's what I was feeling with Cam. I had a feeling that she was someone I shouldn't get involved with."

"What did you do?"

She sighs. "I got involved with her." She chuckles.

"Did you regret it? I mean.. what was the bad vibe?"

I saw her shrug then shake her a head a little. "Well.. I kinda did at first and everything that happened between us.. but the feeling I was getting from her was basically just something I picked up from not even knowing her, besides her name and stuff. I can't tell you what- you know cause it's personal."

"I get that."

"So, what's up with this woman? Anything you can share that you witness with her or what's up?"

I shrug. "I just.. when I first met her, she had this whole image that literally scared me. I'm not sure how to explain it."

"No, I get what you're saying." She says as she lays her arm on the back of the couch and faces me. "That's pretty much how I was feeling with Cameron."

Looking at her, I look down at the floor for a moment. "How weird is that we're basically going through the same thing." I look over at her.

She shrugs. "Not that weird. I'm certain that there's more things behind.. everything about this woman that you don't know yet. If it's the same thing I went through with Cameron, which I'm sure it is, then.. yeah."

Giving her a confused look, I heard the front door shut and when I look over towards the entrance, I saw Cameron walk in with bags in her hands.

"Hey, Jesse." She smiles. "You wanna help, Micah?"

"Sure." She gets up and I was right behind her.

"I'll help."

Micah turns to look back at me. "You don't have to but thanks."

We walk outside towards the car and went to the trunk that was opened. It was a little dark, but the light from the house and street lights were enough and guide us down the driveway.

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