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Emilias pov:
While we cuddle on the comfy bed, i remember that i haven't called daddy after what had happened shortly after coming to Volterra. Knowing my family they surely are worried sick by now. How could I forget to call them after the situation was cleared between my mates and i.
„I should call daddy. They are surely worried." I mumble against Felix chest. He simply hmms in question, so I explain that I haven't called after the cheating incident happened.
„Don't worry Love, I called him after you went to the garden with Demetri." Jane softly explains and kisses my neck. Turning around at her statement, curious about the fact that she really called my dad!
„I knew that your family surely will worry if the won't hear from you after hearing you panic over the phone. So I called Carlisle to tell him that we talked about everything and that we solved the problem, even if there never was a problem to begin with. I also informed him that you went out with Demetri for some time." she explains some more after she saw my face after her first explanation.
„You really called daddy?" I ask simply to make sure as well in complete disbelief and honest relief. I felt awful that I forgot to call my family but my sweet mate did that for me.
„Thank you!" I whimper and cuddle myself tightly into her. Not able to believe my luck in having such a thoughtful and wonderful mate. Well mates!
„You are very welcome Love!" she replies and kisses my lips a few times. Hearing my other mates whine a little since they feel ignored, I quickly kiss them as well before I cuddle back next to Jane.
„Your dad also said to tell you that he is very proud of how you handled the situation." Jane goes on to tell me. Lifting my eyebrows at hearing that. Not really thinking that I did something right. If Jane wouldn't of stopped me I would of run away for sure!
„Shh, no need to worry your pretty head. He said he is proud because you talked with us and he also explained to us how you surely are talking with Demetri about it too. Carlisle explained to me, to us really, how you need time to adjust to new places and new people. And that you will need time with your brother to talk about everything since that's how you cope with everything." she shushes me before talking in a whisper like voice.
„We understand that we pushed you too far back in the tub princess and we are sorry for that. From now on we are going to go way slower into everything." Marcus softly says as he squeezes my hand in encouragement. Hearing all of this makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. Daddy is simply the absolute best! Even though I left with my mates to the other side of the world, he still helps me. He told my mates why things like earlier are so stressful to me and even told them to let me have time with my brother since I need someone to talk about everything. With that in mind I make a note to myself to call him a bit later, to thank him for being the amazing daddy that he is.
„You really have an amazing family beautiful." Felix says and I can see his eyes glistening with unshed tears.
„Sadly none of us had a true family before nor after our turn. So it is really nice to see that you have found one for yourself baby girl. And hopefully we will be able to become a part of it as well." Alec says softly. Seeing all of my mates nod at his statement with wet eyes makes me frown slightly. Sad that neither of them had a caring family during their lives nor their existence. To be honest I can't and don't want to imagine my life without my family. They are simply too important to not have!
„I would be really happy to welcome you in my family. And I am sure they are just as happy to have you guys too." I softly say and see them all smile hopefully at me.
„The most important thing in a family is trust. Which my family surely does, otherwise they wouldn't of let you guys take me away from them." I explain much to their shock. Guess they weren't expecting my family to trust them. That or they are shocked that they wouldn't of let me leave. Jane is the first to giggle along with me and soon after the others join in as well.
„Well, let me tell you mon amor, we are very happy that your family trusts us enough to take care of you. That means a lot to all of us." Caius reply's after the laughter has calmed down again.
The rest of the day was spent in bed, cuddled up together while we talked about everything and nothing at all. It was really nice to get to know all of them some more. They even told me a bit about their human life's that hasn't been that good if I am allowed to say so. Janes and Alec's story even made me cry in sadness and rage at how anyone would try to burn them on a stake! Luckily Aro along with caius and Marcus were there to safe them.
A soft tapping interrupted our current talk about different countries that we have been living in or want to go to one day.
„Come in!" Caius says towards the door and to my excitement Demetri stands there, looking a bit unsure. Not liking the look on his face I quickly hurry towards him, hugging him tightly.
„What's the matter Demi?" I ask him curious and worried. His large hand softly caresses my cheek before he sighs once more.
„I am afraid I need to go on a mission along with Jane, Alec and Felix." he says with sad eyes.
„I am really sorry Emilia." he says sincerely.
„Why?" I ask in a whimper. Not wanting any of them to go! I just got Demi back in my life! And my mates and I also only just started to get to know each other.
„Aro called me to him and asked me to fetch the others. There is a coven not too far from here that makes trouble for all of us." Demi explains and hugs me tightly.
„Please Stay!" I beg. Afraid of losing my brother once more. Afraid of losing my mates or anyone I love and care for!
„Hey, it's ok love. Please don't cry." Jane says and pulls me into herself.
„We will go and talk with our brother. Please comfort our mate till we get back." Caius growls but softly kisses my forehead when he stops next to me. Marcus quickly follows his brothers lead and kisses my forehead as well.
„It's ok baby girl. Everything will turn out alright. There is no need for you to be so devastated." Alec whispers, caressing my back soothingly. But nothing is going to stop me from worrying! I can't loose any of them! I can't! That's something I won't be able to survive!

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